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- from cli import *
- from cli_test import *
- from memory_test import *
- #from shell import *
- #import sys
- print(memory_test_deselectMismatchedItems())
- print(memory_test_deselectMismatchedItems_itemTwice())
- print(memory_test_detectVictory())
- print(memory_test_generateConstPlayfield())
- print(memory_test_hideMatchingItems())
- print(memory_test_selectItem_1x())
- print(memory_test_selectItem_2x())
- print(memory_test_selectItem_3x())
- print(cli_test_greetUser())
- #print(cli_test_selectItem())
- #print(cli_test_shouldPromptSelection())
- ##print(cli_test_shouldReportIvalidItemSelection_outOfBoundsMin())
- #print(cli_test_showHelp_h())
- #print(cli_test_showHelp_help())
- #
- #c = shell_createContext()
- #c.cCLI = cli_createContext()
- #c.cCLI.cMemory = memory_createContext()
- #c.cCLI.cMemory.playfieldSize = 2
- #c.cCLI.cMemory = memory_generateConstPlayfield(c.cCLI.cMemory)
- #
- #c = shell_launch(c)
- #print(c.output)
- #
- #for line in sys.stdin:
- # c.input = line.rstrip()
- # c = shell_processInput(c)
- # if c.exit:
- # break
- # print(c.output)