- from Function import *
- def includes():
- return """#include <map>
- #include <string>
- #include <vector>
- #include "memory.h"
- #include "memory_Context.h"
- """
- def replaceAnd(s):
- return s.replace("and", "&&")
- def replaceAppend(s):
- return s.replace(".append(", ".push_back(")
- def replaceComment(s):
- return s.replace("#", "//")
- def replaceLen(s):
- posLen = s.find("len(")
- posEnd = s.find(")", posLen)
- if (
- posLen == -1 or
- posEnd == -1
- ):
- return s
- before = s[:posLen]
- name = s[posLen + len("len("):posEnd]
- after = s[posEnd + len(")"):]
- return f"{before}{name}.size(){after}"
- def replaceTrue(s):
- return s.replace("True", "true")
- def translateParameter(s):
- parts = s.split(": ")
- indent = len(s) - len(s.lstrip())
- name = parts[0].lstrip()
- t = translateType(parts[1])
- indentation = "".join(" " * indent)
- return f"{indentation}{t} {name}"
- def translateStatement(s, state):
- indent = len(s) - len(s.lstrip())
- indentation = "".join(" " * indent)
- ss = s.lstrip()
- posColon = ss.find(": ")
- posComma = ss.find(", ")
- posComment = ss.find("# ")
- posCtx = ss.find("c.")
- posEqual = ss.find(" = ")
- posFor = ss.find("for ")
- posIn = ss.find(" in ")
- posRange = ss.find("range(")
- posRangeEnd = ss.find("):")
- posClosingScope = ss.find("#}")
- posOpenSquareBracket = ss.find("[")
- if posComment != -1:
- return replaceComment(s)
- if posClosingScope != -1:
- return f"{indentation}}}"
- if (
- posFor >= 0 and
- posIn >= 0 and
- posRange >= 0
- ):
- name = ss[posFor + len("for "):posIn]
- x = ss[posRange + len("range("):posComma]
- y = ss[posComma + len(", "):posRangeEnd]
- return f"{indentation}for (auto {name} = {x}; {name} < {y}; ++{name}) {{"
- # name: type = value -> type name = value
- if (
- posColon >= 0 and
- posEqual >= 0
- ):
- name = ss[:posColon]
- type = ss[posColon + len(": "):posEqual]
- t = translateType(type)
- value = ss[posEqual + len(" = "):]
- return f"{indentation}{t} {name} = {value};"
- if (
- posCtx == -1 and
- posColon == -1 and
- posOpenSquareBracket == -1 and
- posEqual >= 0
- ):
- name = ss[:posEqual]
- if name not in state.varNames:
- state.varNames[name] = True
- value = ss[posEqual + len(" = "):]
- return f"{indentation}auto {name} = {value};"
- if ss == "if (":
- state.isIf = True
- return s
- if ss == "if not (":
- state.isIfNot = True
- return f"{indentation}if (!("
- if ss == "):":
- if state.isIf:
- state.isIf = False
- return f"{indentation}) {{"
- # if not
- state.isIfNot = False
- return f"{indentation})) {{"
- ending = ";"
- if state.isIf or state.isIfNot:
- ending = ""
- # Unknown.
- return f"{s}{ending}"
- def translateType(s):
- if s.startswith("dict["):
- kv = s[len("dict["):-len("]")]
- parts = kv.split(", ")
- return f"std::map<{parts[0]}, {parts[1]}>"
- if s == "str":
- return "std::string"
- return s
- class CPP:
- def __init__(self, fn):
- self.fn = fn
- self.isIf = False
- self.isIfNot = False
- self.varNames = {}
- def translate(self):
- returnType = translateType(self.fn.returnType)
- params = []
- for i in range(0, len(self.fn.parameters)):
- p = translateParameter(self.fn.parameters[i])
- params.append(p)
- strparams = "\n".join(params)
- if (len(strparams) > 0):
- strparams += "\n"
- sts = []
- for i in range(0, len(self.fn.statements)):
- s = translateStatement(self.fn.statements[i], self)
- s = replaceAnd(s)
- s = replaceAppend(s)
- s = replaceLen(s)
- s = replaceLen(s)
- s = replaceTrue(s)
- sts.append(s)
- strstatements = "\n".join(sts)
- return f"""{returnType} {self.fn.name}(
- {strparams}) {{
- {strstatements}
- }}
- """