Михаил Капелько 10 months ago
5 changed files with 371 additions and 0 deletions
  1. +19
  2. +329
  3. +2
  4. +10
  5. +11

+ 19
- 0
v3/entities.py View File

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
class MemoryContext:
def __init__(self):
self.hiddenItems = []
self.mismatchedItems = []
self.playfieldItems = {}
self.playfieldSize = 0
self.recentField = None
self.selectedId = None
self.selectedItems = []
self.victory = False

def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()

def __str__(self):
return f"MemoryContext(plyfieldI/playfieldS/recentF/selectedId/selectedI: '{self.playfieldItems}'/'{self.playfieldSize}'/'{self.recentField}'/'{self.selectedId}'/'{self.selectedItems}')"

def memory_createEmptyContext():
return MemoryContext()

+ 329
- 0
v3/functions.py View File

@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
from entities import *
from llm import *

# Detect victory
# Conditions:
# 1. Matching items have just been hidden and all items are hidden now
def memory_detectVictory(
c: MemoryContext
) -> MemoryContext:
if (
c.recentField == "hiddenItems" and
len(c.hiddenItems) == len(c.playfieldItems)
c.victory = True
c.recentField = "victory"
return c

c.recentField = None
return c

# Deselect mismatched items
# Conditions:
# 1. Two items are selected and they are of different groups
def memory_deselectMismatchedItems(
c: MemoryContext
) -> MemoryContext:
if (
c.recentField == "selectedItems" and
len(c.selectedItems) == 2 and
c.playfieldItems[c.selectedItems[0]] != c.playfieldItems[c.selectedItems[1]]
c.recentField = "mismatchedItems"
return c

c.recentField = None
return c

# Generate constant playfield suitable for testing and debugging
def memory_generateConstPlayfield(
c: MemoryContext
) -> MemoryContext:
idGroups: dict[int, int] = { }
id = 0
for gid in range(0, c.playfieldSize):
idGroups[id] = gid
id += 1
idGroups[id] = gid
id += 1
c.playfieldItems = idGroups
c.recentField = "playfieldItems"
return c

# Hide matching selected items
# Conditions:
# 1. Two items are selected and they are of the same group
def memory_hideMatchingItems(
c: MemoryContext
) -> MemoryContext:
if (
c.recentField == "selectedItems" and
len(c.selectedItems) == 2 and
c.playfieldItems[c.selectedItems[0]] == c.playfieldItems[c.selectedItems[1]]
c.recentField = "hiddenItems"
return c

c.recentField = None
return c

# Select item
# Conditions:
# 1. There are already two selected items
# 2. Item has just been selected
def memory_selectItem(
c: MemoryContext
) -> MemoryContext:
if (
len(c.selectedItems) == 2
c.selectedItems = []
if (
c.recentField == "selectedId"
c.recentField = "selectedItems"
return c

c.recentField = None
return c

# Test.

def test_memory_generateConstPlayfield(
) -> str:
c = memory_createEmptyContext()
c.playfieldSize = 2
c = memory_generateConstPlayfield(c)
if (
c.recentField == "playfieldItems" and
len(c.playfieldItems) == 4 and
c.playfieldItems[0] == 0 and
c.playfieldItems[1] == 0 and
c.playfieldItems[2] == 1 and
c.playfieldItems[3] == 1
return "OK: memory_generateConstPlayfield"
return "ERR: memory_generateConstPlayfield"

def test_memory_selectItem(
) -> str:
c = memory_createEmptyContext()
c.playfieldSize = 2
c = memory_generateConstPlayfield(c)

# Select the first item.
c.selectedId = 0
c.recentField = "selectedId"
c = memory_selectItem(c)

# See if it's in selectedItems now.
if (
c.recentField == "selectedItems" and
len(c.selectedItems) == 1 and
c.selectedItems[0] == 0
return "OK: selectItem"
return "ERR: selectItem"

def test_selectTwoItems(
) -> str:
c = memory_createEmptyContext()
c.playfieldSize = 2
c = memory_generateConstPlayfield(c)

# Select the first two items.
c.selectedId = 0
c.recentField = "selectedId"
c = memory_selectItem(c)
c.selectedId = 1
c.recentField = "selectedId"
c = memory_selectItem(c)

# See if it's both items are selected now.
if (
c.recentField == "selectedItems" and
len(c.selectedItems) == 2 and
c.selectedItems[0] == 0 and
c.selectedItems[1] == 1
return "OK: selectTwoItems"
return "ERR: selectTwoItems"

def test_selectThreeItems(
) -> str:
c = memory_createEmptyContext()
c.playfieldSize = 2
c = memory_generateConstPlayfield(c)

# Select three items.
c.selectedId = 0
c.recentField = "selectedId"
c = memory_selectItem(c)
c.selectedId = 1
c.recentField = "selectedId"
c = memory_selectItem(c)
c.selectedId = 2
c.recentField = "selectedId"
c = memory_selectItem(c)

# See if only one (last) item is selected now.
if (
c.recentField == "selectedItems" and
len(c.selectedItems) == 1 and
c.selectedItems[0] == 2
return "OK: selectThreeItems"
return "ERR: selectThreeItems"

def test_memory_hideMatchingItems(
) -> str:
c = memory_createEmptyContext()
c.playfieldSize = 2
c = memory_generateConstPlayfield(c)

# Select two items of the same group.
c.selectedId = 0
c.recentField = "selectedId"
c = memory_selectItem(c)
c.selectedId = 1
c.recentField = "selectedId"
c = memory_selectItem(c)

# Hide matching items.
c = memory_hideMatchingItems(c)

# See if the two selected items match.
if (
c.recentField == "hiddenItems" and
len(c.hiddenItems) == 2 and
c.hiddenItems[0] == 0 and
c.hiddenItems[1] == 1
return "OK: memory_hideMatchingItems"
return "ERR: memory_hideMatchingItems"

def test_memory_deselectMismatchedItems(
) -> str:
c = memory_createEmptyContext()
c.playfieldSize = 2
c = memory_generateConstPlayfield(c)

# Select two items of different groups.
c.selectedId = 0
c.recentField = "selectedId"
c = memory_selectItem(c)
c.selectedId = 2
c.recentField = "selectedId"
c = memory_selectItem(c)

# Detect mismatching.
c = memory_deselectMismatchedItems(c)

# See if the two selected items do not match.
if (
c.recentField == "mismatchedItems" and
len(c.mismatchedItems) == 2 and
c.mismatchedItems[0] == 0 and
c.mismatchedItems[1] == 2
return "OK: memory_deselectMismatchedItems"
return "ERR: memory_deselectMismatchedItems"

def test_memory_detectVictory(
) -> str:
c = memory_createEmptyContext()
c.playfieldSize = 2
c = memory_generateConstPlayfield(c)

# Select the first two items of the same group.
c.selectedId = 0
c.recentField = "selectedId"
c = memory_selectItem(c)
c.selectedId = 1
c.recentField = "selectedId"
c = memory_selectItem(c)

# Hide the first pair.
c = memory_hideMatchingItems(c)

# Select the last two items of the same group.
c.selectedId = 2
c.recentField = "selectedId"
c = memory_selectItem(c)
c.selectedId = 3
c.recentField = "selectedId"
c = memory_selectItem(c)

# Hide the second pair.
c = memory_hideMatchingItems(c)

# Detect victory.
c = memory_detectVictory(c)

# See if victory has been detected.
if (
c.recentField == "victory" and
c.victory == True
return "OK: memory_detectVictory"
return "ERR: memory_detectVictory"

def test_passContextByValue(
) -> str:
c = memory_createEmptyContext()
c.playfieldSize = 2
c = memory_generateConstPlayfield(c)

c.selectedId = 0
c.recentField = "selectedId"
c1 = memory_selectItem(c)

c.selectedId = 1
c.recentField = "selectedId"
c2 = memory_selectItem(c)

# See if c1 and c2 have different recentField.
if (
c1.selectedId != c2.selectedId
return "OK: passContextByValue"

return "ERR: passContextByValue"

+ 2
- 0
v3/gen-Python View File

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
echo "python3 main.py" > test_memory_Python
chmod +x test_memory_Python

+ 10
- 0
v3/llm.py View File

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
import copy

# Make deep copies of arguments to mimic behaviour of strongly typed languages.
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/15398021
def llm_by_value(f):
def _f(*args, **kwargs):
argsCopy = copy.deepcopy(args)
kwargsCopy = copy.deepcopy(kwargs)
return f(*argsCopy, **kwargsCopy)
return _f

+ 11
- 0
v3/main.py View File

@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
from entities import *
from functions import *

