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<h3 class="article-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark"
title="Permalink to Дорожная карта 2015-2016">Дорожная карта 2015-2016</a></h3>

<h6 class="subheader" title="2015-07-19T00:00:00+03:00">Вс 19 Июль 2015
<a class="button secondary small translation-button" href="">en</a>

</h6> <p>Как и было обещано, мы составили список вех и их примерные даты на ближайший год:</p>
<li>Редактор 0.7.0 (Октябрь 2015) - Система действий: мы воссоздаём <a title="Тестовый цех" href="" target="_blank">тестовый цех</a></li>
<li>Редактор 0.8.0 (Декабрь 2015) - Звуковая система</li>
<li>Редактор 0.9.0 (Февраль 2016) - Система частиц и минимальный интерфейс пользователя (UI)</li>
<li>Редактор 0.10.0, Проигрыватель 0.1.0 (Апрель 2016) - Проигрыватель воспроизводит созданное Редактором: мы создаём прототип Шуана на нашем движке</li>
<li>Редактор 0.11.0, Проигрыватель 0.2.0 (Июнь 2016) - Поддержка сети: мы создаём прототип классического Маджонга для 4-х игроков</li>
<p>Эти примерные даты предполагают трату 40 часов в месяц одним программистом. Это около 1 рабочей недели. Не много, но это всё время, что у нас есть.</p>
<p>Мы сообщим больше деталей о Редакторе 0.7.0 чуть позже: нам нужно решить, какие возможности заслуживают 80 часов нашего времени в следующие 2 месяца.</p>
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<h3 class="article-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark"
title="Permalink to Roadmap for 2015-2016">Roadmap for 2015-2016</a></h3>

<h6 class="subheader" title="2015-07-19T00:00:00+03:00">Вс 19 Июль 2015
<a class="button secondary small translation-button" href="">ru</a>

</h6> <p>As promised, we have come up with a list of milestones and their approximate dates for the coming year:</p>
<li>Editor 0.7.0 (October 2015) - Actions' system: we recreate the <a title="Test chamber" href="" target="_blank">test chamber</a></li>
<li>Editor 0.8.0 (December 2015) - Sound system</li>
<li>Editor 0.9.0 (February 2016) - Particles' system and minimal UI</li>
<li>Editor 0.10.0, Player 0.1.0 (April 2016) - Player to play what Editor produced: we create Shuan prototype with our engine</li>
<li>Editor 0.11.0, Player 0.2.0 (June 2016) - Networking: we create Classic 4-player Mahjong prototype</li>
<p>These approximate dates presume one coder spends 40 hours a month. That's about 1 work week at full-time job. Not much, but that's the only time we have.</p>
<p>We will post more details about Editor 0.7.0 shortly: we need to decide what features deserve 80 hours of our time for the next 2 months.</p>
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<h6 class="subheader" title="2015-12-26T00:00:00+03:00">Сб 26 Декабрь 2015
<a class="button secondary small translation-button" href="">en</a>

</h6> <p>Как вы знаете, согласно <a href="{filename}/articles/">ранее опубликованной дорожной карте</a>, мы добавили звуковую систему. Тем не менее, мы решили пойти дальше и создать первую версию Проигрывателя. Мы хотели завершить его в декабре, но, к сожалению, изменение планов вылилось в изменение сроков.</p>
</h6> <p>Как вы знаете, согласно <a href="">ранее опубликованной дорожной карте</a>, мы добавили звуковую систему. Тем не менее, мы решили пойти дальше и создать первую версию Проигрывателя. Мы хотели завершить его в декабре, но, к сожалению, изменение планов вылилось в изменение сроков.</p>
<p>Представляем вам обновлённую дорожную карту на первую половину 2016:</p>
<li>Редактор + Проигрыватель 0.8.0 (Январь 2016): Звуковая система, игра "Поймай крота" со звуком</li>

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<h6 class="subheader" title="2015-12-26T00:00:00+03:00">Сб 26 Декабрь 2015
<a class="button secondary small translation-button" href="">ru</a>

</h6> <p>As you know, according to the <a href="{filename}/articles/">previously published roadmap</a>, we now have sound system in place. However, we decided to go further and implement the first version of Player. We wanted to get it done by December, but, unfortunately, more work resulted in the change of dates.</p>
</h6> <p>As you know, according to the <a href="">previously published roadmap</a>, we now have sound system in place. However, we decided to go further and implement the first version of Player. We wanted to get it done by December, but, unfortunately, more work resulted in the change of dates.</p>
<p>Here's the revised roadmap for the first half of 2016:</p>
<li>Editor + Player 0.8.0 (January 2016): Sound system, Whac-a-mole game with sounds</li>

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archives.html Zobrazit soubor

@@ -205,6 +205,22 @@
<td>Чт 23 Июль 2015</td>
<td><a href='bye-desura-hello-humblebundle.html'>Desura no more, hello Humble Bundle Widget</a></td>
<td>Ср 22 Июль 2015</td>
<td><a href='test-chamber-for-everyone.html'>Test chamber for everyone (Editor 0.7.0)</a></td>
<td>Вс 19 Июль 2015</td>
<td><a href='2015-roadmap.html'>Roadmap for 2015-2016</a></td>
<td>Вс 28 Июнь 2015</td>
<td><a href='editor-06.html'>Editor 0.6.0</a></td>
<td>Ср 15 Апрель 2015</td>
<td><a href='editor-06-roadmap.html'>Editor 0.5.0 and plans for 0.6.0</a></td>

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@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ It's time to create simple Mahjong solitaire game.</p><p class="subheader">Categ

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<h6 class="subheader" title="2015-12-26T00:00:00+03:00">Сб 26 Декабрь 2015
<a class="button secondary small translation-button" href="">ru</a>

</h6><p>As you know, according to the <a href="{filename}/articles/">previously published roadmap</a>, we now have sound system in place. However, we decided to go further and implement the first version of Player. We wanted to get it done by December, but, unfortunately, more work resulted in the change of dates.</p>
</h6><p>As you know, according to the <a href="">previously published roadmap</a>, we now have sound system in place. However, we decided to go further and implement the first version of Player. We wanted to get it done by December, but, unfortunately, more work resulted in the change of dates.</p>
<p>Here's the ...</p><p class="subheader">Category: <a href="">News</a>

@@ -216,13 +216,31 @@ The exact date and time is ...</p><p class="subheader">Category: <a href="http:/
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<a href=""><h3 class="article-title">Test chamber for everyone (Editor 0.7.0)</h3></a>
<h6 class="subheader" title="2015-07-22T00:00:00+03:00">Ср 22 Июль 2015
<a class="button secondary small translation-button" href="">ru</a>

</h6><p>As you know, the main goal of Editor 0.7.0 is the ability to create the <a title="Test chamber" href="" target="_blank">test chamber</a> with it. It needs Actions' system and a few stability fixes for that. We are going to publish a detailed article describing how to create the test chamber, too, so that ...</p><p class="subheader">Category: <a href="">News</a>


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<a href=""><h3 class="article-title">Roadmap for 2015-2016</h3></a>
<h6 class="subheader" title="2015-07-19T00:00:00+03:00">Вс 19 Июль 2015
<a class="button secondary small translation-button" href="">ru</a>

</h6><p>As promised, we have come up with a list of milestones and their approximate dates for the coming year:</p>
<li>Editor 0.7.0 (October 2015) - Actions' system: we recreate the <a title="Test chamber" href="" target="_blank">test chamber</a></li>
<li>Editor 0.8.0 (December 2015) - Sound system</li>
<li>Editor 0.9.0 (February 2016) - Particles' system and minimal ...</li></ol><p class="subheader">Category: <a href="">News</a>


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<a href=""><h3 class="article-title">Editor 0.6.0</h3></a>
<h6 class="subheader" title="2015-06-28T00:00:00+03:00">Вс 28 Июнь 2015
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</h6><p>We completed Editor 0.6.0. You can <a title="Editor 0.6.0" href="" target="_blank">see 0.6.0 in action here</a>. </p>
<p>Editor 0.6.0 got the following new features:</p>
<li>Camera and light node positioning</li>
<li>Node rotation along X axis</li>
<li>Node scripting support</li>
<li>Thumbnail dialog to preview models when editing scene node model properties</li>
<li>Node copying ...</li></ol><p class="subheader">Category: <a href="">News</a>


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<a href=""><h3 class="article-title">Editor 0.5.0 and plans for 0.6.0</h3></a>
<h6 class="subheader" title="2015-04-15T00:00:00+03:00">Ср 15 Апрель 2015
<a class="button secondary small translation-button" href="">ru</a>

</h6><p>We completed Editor 0.5.0. As it was planned, it has scene node tree editing, property browser, and Qt5 support. You can <a title="Editor 0.5.0" href="" target="_blank">see 0.5.0 in action here</a>. </p>
<p>Also, we have just started Editor 0.6.0 development.</p>
<p>Editor 0.6.0 planned features:</p>
<li>Camera node editing</li>
<li>Light ...</li></ol><p class="subheader">Category: <a href="">News</a>


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<h6 class="subheader" title="2015-12-26T00:00:00+03:00">Сб 26 Декабрь 2015
<a class="button secondary small translation-button" href="">ru</a>

</h6><p>As you know, according to the <a href="{filename}/articles/">previously published roadmap</a>, we now have sound system in place. However, we decided to go further and implement the first version of Player. We wanted to get it done by December, but, unfortunately, more work resulted in the change of dates.</p>
</h6><p>As you know, according to the <a href="">previously published roadmap</a>, we now have sound system in place. However, we decided to go further and implement the first version of Player. We wanted to get it done by December, but, unfortunately, more work resulted in the change of dates.</p>
<p>Here's the ...</p><p class="subheader">Category: <a href="">News</a>

@@ -216,13 +216,31 @@ The exact date and time is ...</p><p class="subheader">Category: <a href="http:/
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<a href=""><h3 class="article-title">Test chamber for everyone (Editor 0.7.0)</h3></a>
<h6 class="subheader" title="2015-07-22T00:00:00+03:00">Ср 22 Июль 2015
<a class="button secondary small translation-button" href="">ru</a>

</h6><p>As you know, the main goal of Editor 0.7.0 is the ability to create the <a title="Test chamber" href="" target="_blank">test chamber</a> with it. It needs Actions' system and a few stability fixes for that. We are going to publish a detailed article describing how to create the test chamber, too, so that ...</p><p class="subheader">Category: <a href="">News</a>


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<a href=""><h3 class="article-title">Roadmap for 2015-2016</h3></a>
<h6 class="subheader" title="2015-07-19T00:00:00+03:00">Вс 19 Июль 2015
<a class="button secondary small translation-button" href="">ru</a>

</h6><p>As promised, we have come up with a list of milestones and their approximate dates for the coming year:</p>
<li>Editor 0.7.0 (October 2015) - Actions' system: we recreate the <a title="Test chamber" href="" target="_blank">test chamber</a></li>
<li>Editor 0.8.0 (December 2015) - Sound system</li>
<li>Editor 0.9.0 (February 2016) - Particles' system and minimal ...</li></ol><p class="subheader">Category: <a href="">News</a>


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<a href=""><h3 class="article-title">Editor 0.6.0</h3></a>
<h6 class="subheader" title="2015-06-28T00:00:00+03:00">Вс 28 Июнь 2015
<a class="button secondary small translation-button" href="">ru</a>

</h6><p>We completed Editor 0.6.0. You can <a title="Editor 0.6.0" href="" target="_blank">see 0.6.0 in action here</a>. </p>
<p>Editor 0.6.0 got the following new features:</p>
<li>Camera and light node positioning</li>
<li>Node rotation along X axis</li>
<li>Node scripting support</li>
<li>Thumbnail dialog to preview models when editing scene node model properties</li>
<li>Node copying ...</li></ol><p class="subheader">Category: <a href="">News</a>


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<a href=""><h3 class="article-title">Editor 0.5.0 and plans for 0.6.0</h3></a>
<h6 class="subheader" title="2015-04-15T00:00:00+03:00">Ср 15 Апрель 2015
<a class="button secondary small translation-button" href="">ru</a>

</h6><p>We completed Editor 0.5.0. As it was planned, it has scene node tree editing, property browser, and Qt5 support. You can <a title="Editor 0.5.0" href="" target="_blank">see 0.5.0 in action here</a>. </p>
<p>Also, we have just started Editor 0.6.0 development.</p>
<p>Editor 0.6.0 planned features:</p>
<li>Camera node editing</li>
<li>Light ...</li></ol><p class="subheader">Category: <a href="">News</a>


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<h3 class="article-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark"
title="Permalink to Редактор 0.5.0 и планы для 0.6.0">Редактор 0.5.0 и планы для 0.6.0</a></h3>

<h6 class="subheader" title="2015-04-15T00:00:00+03:00">Ср 15 Апрель 2015
<a class="button secondary small translation-button" href="">en</a>

</h6> <p>Мы завершили работу над версией 0.5.0 редактора. Как было запланировано, эта версия содержит редактирование узлов сцены, браузер свойств, поддеркжу Qt5. Вы можете <a title="Editor 0.5.0" href="" target="_blank">увидеть 0.5.0 в действии здесь</a>. </p>
<p>Также мы только что начали разработку Редактора 0.6.0.</p>
<p>Запланированные возможности Редактора 0.6.0:</p>
<li>Редактирование узлов с камерой</li>
<li>Редактирование узлов со светом</li>
<li>Редактирование вращения узлов</li>
<li>Поддержка скриптов у узлов</li>
<li>Диалог для предпросмотра моделей и материалов при редактировании моделей и материалов у узла</li>
<li>Копирование и вставка узлов</li>
<li>Выбор узла с помощью клика мышью в сцене</li>
<p>Мы планируем завершить его в августе.</p>
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<h3 class="article-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark"
title="Permalink to Editor 0.5.0 and plans for 0.6.0">Editor 0.5.0 and plans for 0.6.0</a></h3>

<h6 class="subheader" title="2015-04-15T00:00:00+03:00">Ср 15 Апрель 2015
<a class="button secondary small translation-button" href="">ru</a>

</h6> <p>We completed Editor 0.5.0. As it was planned, it has scene node tree editing, property browser, and Qt5 support. You can <a title="Editor 0.5.0" href="" target="_blank">see 0.5.0 in action here</a>. </p>
<p>Also, we have just started Editor 0.6.0 development.</p>
<p>Editor 0.6.0 planned features:</p>
<li>Camera node editing</li>
<li>Light node editing</li>
<li>Node rotation editing</li>
<li>Node scripting support</li>
<li>Thumbnail dialog to preview materials and models when editing scene node material and model properties</li>
<li>Copying and pasting of scene nodes</li>
<li>Scene node selection by clicking a mouse in the scene</li>
<p>We estimate to complete it in August.</p>
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<h3 class="article-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark"
title="Permalink to Редактор 0.6.0">Редактор 0.6.0</a></h3>

<h6 class="subheader" title="2015-06-28T00:00:00+03:00">Вс 28 Июнь 2015
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</h6> <p>Мы завершили работу над версией 0.6.0 редактора. Вы можете <a title="Editor 0.6.0" href="" target="_blank">увидеть 0.6.0 в действии здесь</a>. </p>
<p>Список новых возможностей Редактора 0.6.0:</p>
<li>Позиционирование узлов с камерой и светом</li>
<li>Вращение узлов по оси X</li>
<li>Поддержка скриптов у узлов</li>
<li>Диалог для предпросмотра моделей при редактировании моделей у узла</li>
<li>Копирование и вставка узлов</li>
<li>Выбор узла с помощью клика мышью в сцене</li>
<li>Восстановление позиции и состояния окна после перезапуска</li>
<p>На текущий момент у нас нет даты завершения 0.7.0, потому что мы решили взять паузу и потратить некоторое время на составление дорожной карты для Shuan и Mahjong 2. Как только мы её закончим, мы расскажем и о возможностях 0.7.0, и о дате завершения 0.7.0, и о самой дорожной карте.</p>
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<h3 class="article-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark"
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<h6 class="subheader" title="2015-06-28T00:00:00+03:00">Вс 28 Июнь 2015
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</h6> <p>We completed Editor 0.6.0. You can <a title="Editor 0.6.0" href="" target="_blank">see 0.6.0 in action here</a>. </p>
<p>Editor 0.6.0 got the following new features:</p>
<li>Camera and light node positioning</li>
<li>Node rotation along X axis</li>
<li>Node scripting support</li>
<li>Thumbnail dialog to preview models when editing scene node model properties</li>
<li>Node copying and pasting</li>
<li>Node selection by LMB click in the scene</li>
<li>Window geometry and state restoration after restart</li>
<p>We don't have 0.7.0 completion date at the moment, because we decided to take some time to set up a roadmap for Shuan and Mahjong 2. Once done, we will share 0.7.0 completion date and its feature list along with the roadmap.</p>
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@@ -763,7 +763,7 @@ Simply unpack it and launch the run script.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;rename rollingBall.ogs to slideDown.ogs&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Since live session took us so long, we decided to concentrate on polishing. Editor already has a lot of features, but their use is inconvenient. We will fix major obstacles for the next Editor release.&lt;/p&gt;</summary></entry><entry><title>Game creation live session (part 2): 7 February 2016</title><link href="" rel="alternate"></link><updated>2016-02-02T00:00:00+03:00</updated><author><name>Opensource Game Studio</name></author><id>,2016-02-02:rolling-ball-live-session-pt2.html</id><summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;Unfortunately, we have failed to finish creation of the simple "Rolling ball" game in 3 hours. That's why we will hold the second &lt;a title="LiveCoding" href=""&gt;LiveCoding&lt;/a&gt; session on &lt;a title="Local time" href=";iso=20160207T12&amp;p1=37&amp;ah=3"&gt;7 February 2016 at 12:00 CET&lt;/a&gt;. Let's finish the game!&lt;/p&gt;</summary></entry><entry><title>Game creation live session: 31 January 2016</title><link href="" rel="alternate"></link><updated>2016-01-25T00:00:00+03:00</updated><author><name>Opensource Game Studio</name></author><id>,2016-01-25:january-live-session-announcement.html</id><summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;We're glad to annouce that the &lt;a title="LiveCoding" href=""&gt;LiveCoding&lt;/a&gt; session will take place on &lt;a title="Local time" href=";iso=20160131T12&amp;p1=37&amp;ah=3"&gt;31 January 2016 at 12:00 CET&lt;/a&gt;. Join us!&lt;/p&gt;</summary></entry><entry><title>SOON: Creating a simple game live (Editor 0.8)</title><link href="" rel="alternate"></link><updated>2016-01-21T00:00:00+03:00</updated><author><name>Opensource Game Studio</name></author><id>,2016-01-21:january-live-session-decision.html</id><summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;We are ready to present Editor 0.8 with Player. The live session will be held at &lt;a title="LiveCoding" href=""&gt;LiveCoding&lt;/a&gt; SOON. We will show you how to create a simple game with sounds from scratch. And this time it will not need an Editor to run.
The exact date and time is to be announced in the coming days. Stay tuned!&lt;/p&gt;</summary></entry><entry><title>Roadmap for 2016</title><link href="" rel="alternate"></link><updated>2015-12-26T00:00:00+03:00</updated><author><name>Opensource Game Studio</name></author><id>,2015-12-26:2016-roadmap.html</id><summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;As you know, according to the &lt;a href="{filename}/articles/"&gt;previously published roadmap&lt;/a&gt;, we now have sound system in place. However, we decided to go further and implement the first version of Player. We wanted to get it done by December, but, unfortunately, more work resulted in the change of dates.&lt;/p&gt;
The exact date and time is to be announced in the coming days. Stay tuned!&lt;/p&gt;</summary></entry><entry><title>Roadmap for 2016</title><link href="" rel="alternate"></link><updated>2015-12-26T00:00:00+03:00</updated><author><name>Opensource Game Studio</name></author><id>,2015-12-26:2016-roadmap.html</id><summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;As you know, according to the &lt;a href=""&gt;previously published roadmap&lt;/a&gt;, we now have sound system in place. However, we decided to go further and implement the first version of Player. We wanted to get it done by December, but, unfortunately, more work resulted in the change of dates.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Here's the revised roadmap for the first half of 2016:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Editor + Player 0.8.0 (January 2016): Sound system, Whac-a-mole game with sounds&lt;/li&gt;
@@ -789,4 +789,37 @@ The exact date and time is to be announced in the coming days. Stay tuned!&lt;/p
&lt;p&gt;Here it is:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;iframe src="" width="526" height="325" style="border: none;" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"&gt;&lt;/iframe&gt;

&lt;p&gt;We haven't received a single penny from Desura (due to the minimal cache out limitations), but if you bought the deluxe version from them and experiencing any problems with downloading it (right now we see no problems with that), send us a letter, tell your name on Desura, we'll figure something out.&lt;/p&gt;</summary></entry></feed>
&lt;p&gt;We haven't received a single penny from Desura (due to the minimal cache out limitations), but if you bought the deluxe version from them and experiencing any problems with downloading it (right now we see no problems with that), send us a letter, tell your name on Desura, we'll figure something out.&lt;/p&gt;</summary></entry><entry><title>Test chamber for everyone (Editor 0.7.0)</title><link href="" rel="alternate"></link><updated>2015-07-22T00:00:00+03:00</updated><author><name>Opensource Game Studio</name></author><id>,2015-07-22:test-chamber-for-everyone.html</id><summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;As you know, the main goal of Editor 0.7.0 is the ability to create the &lt;a title="Test chamber" href="" target="_blank"&gt;test chamber&lt;/a&gt; with it. It needs Actions' system and a few stability fixes for that. We are going to publish a detailed article describing how to create the test chamber, too, so that anyone could create their own test chamber!&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;We estimate to complete it in October.&lt;/p&gt;</summary></entry><entry><title>Roadmap for 2015-2016</title><link href="" rel="alternate"></link><updated>2015-07-19T00:00:00+03:00</updated><author><name>Opensource Game Studio</name></author><id>,2015-07-19:2015-roadmap.html</id><summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;As promised, we have come up with a list of milestones and their approximate dates for the coming year:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Editor 0.7.0 (October 2015) - Actions' system: we recreate the &lt;a title="Test chamber" href="" target="_blank"&gt;test chamber&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Editor 0.8.0 (December 2015) - Sound system&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Editor 0.9.0 (February 2016) - Particles' system and minimal UI&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Editor 0.10.0, Player 0.1.0 (April 2016) - Player to play what Editor produced: we create Shuan prototype with our engine&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Editor 0.11.0, Player 0.2.0 (June 2016) - Networking: we create Classic 4-player Mahjong prototype&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;These approximate dates presume one coder spends 40 hours a month. That's about 1 work week at full-time job. Not much, but that's the only time we have.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;We will post more details about Editor 0.7.0 shortly: we need to decide what features deserve 80 hours of our time for the next 2 months.&lt;/p&gt;</summary></entry><entry><title>Editor 0.6.0</title><link href="" rel="alternate"></link><updated>2015-06-28T00:00:00+03:00</updated><author><name>Opensource Game Studio</name></author><id>,2015-06-28:editor-06.html</id><summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;We completed Editor 0.6.0. You can &lt;a title="Editor 0.6.0" href="" target="_blank"&gt;see 0.6.0 in action here&lt;/a&gt;. &lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Editor 0.6.0 got the following new features:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Camera and light node positioning&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Node rotation along X axis&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Node scripting support&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Thumbnail dialog to preview models when editing scene node model properties&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Node copying and pasting&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Node selection by LMB click in the scene&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Window geometry and state restoration after restart&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;We don't have 0.7.0 completion date at the moment, because we decided to take some time to set up a roadmap for Shuan and Mahjong 2. Once done, we will share 0.7.0 completion date and its feature list along with the roadmap.&lt;/p&gt;</summary></entry><entry><title>Editor 0.5.0 and plans for 0.6.0</title><link href="" rel="alternate"></link><updated>2015-04-15T00:00:00+03:00</updated><author><name>Opensource Game Studio</name></author><id>,2015-04-15:editor-06-roadmap.html</id><summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;We completed Editor 0.5.0. As it was planned, it has scene node tree editing, property browser, and Qt5 support. You can &lt;a title="Editor 0.5.0" href="" target="_blank"&gt;see 0.5.0 in action here&lt;/a&gt;. &lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Also, we have just started Editor 0.6.0 development.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Editor 0.6.0 planned features:&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Camera node editing&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Light node editing&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Node rotation editing&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Node scripting support&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Thumbnail dialog to preview materials and models when editing scene node material and model properties&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Copying and pasting of scene nodes&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Scene node selection by clicking a mouse in the scene&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;We estimate to complete it in August.&lt;/p&gt;</summary></entry></feed>

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@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ In case you missed it, here ...</p><p class="subheader">Category: <a href="http:

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@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ We have conducted ...</p><p class="subheader">Category: <a href="http://opengame

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@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ It's time to create simple Mahjong solitaire game.</p><p class="subheader">Categ

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@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ The exact date and time is ...</p><p class="subheader">Category: <a href="http:/
<h6 class="subheader" title="2015-12-26T00:00:00+03:00">Сб 26 Декабрь 2015
<a class="button secondary small translation-button" href="">ru</a>

</h6><p>As you know, according to the <a href="{filename}/articles/">previously published roadmap</a>, we now have sound system in place. However, we decided to go further and implement the first version of Player. We wanted to get it done by December, but, unfortunately, more work resulted in the change of dates.</p>
</h6><p>As you know, according to the <a href="">previously published roadmap</a>, we now have sound system in place. However, we decided to go further and implement the first version of Player. We wanted to get it done by December, but, unfortunately, more work resulted in the change of dates.</p>
<p>Here's the ...</p><p class="subheader">Category: <a href="">News</a>

@@ -216,13 +216,31 @@ The exact date and time is ...</p><p class="subheader">Category: <a href="http:/
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<a href=""><h3 class="article-title">Test chamber for everyone (Editor 0.7.0)</h3></a>
<h6 class="subheader" title="2015-07-22T00:00:00+03:00">Ср 22 Июль 2015
<a class="button secondary small translation-button" href="">ru</a>

</h6><p>As you know, the main goal of Editor 0.7.0 is the ability to create the <a title="Test chamber" href="" target="_blank">test chamber</a> with it. It needs Actions' system and a few stability fixes for that. We are going to publish a detailed article describing how to create the test chamber, too, so that ...</p><p class="subheader">Category: <a href="">News</a>


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<a href=""><h3 class="article-title">Roadmap for 2015-2016</h3></a>
<h6 class="subheader" title="2015-07-19T00:00:00+03:00">Вс 19 Июль 2015
<a class="button secondary small translation-button" href="">ru</a>

</h6><p>As promised, we have come up with a list of milestones and their approximate dates for the coming year:</p>
<li>Editor 0.7.0 (October 2015) - Actions' system: we recreate the <a title="Test chamber" href="" target="_blank">test chamber</a></li>
<li>Editor 0.8.0 (December 2015) - Sound system</li>
<li>Editor 0.9.0 (February 2016) - Particles' system and minimal ...</li></ol><p class="subheader">Category: <a href="">News</a>


<a class="button radius secondary small right" href="">Read More</a>
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<a href=""><h3 class="article-title">Editor 0.6.0</h3></a>
<h6 class="subheader" title="2015-06-28T00:00:00+03:00">Вс 28 Июнь 2015
<a class="button secondary small translation-button" href="">ru</a>

</h6><p>We completed Editor 0.6.0. You can <a title="Editor 0.6.0" href="" target="_blank">see 0.6.0 in action here</a>. </p>
<p>Editor 0.6.0 got the following new features:</p>
<li>Camera and light node positioning</li>
<li>Node rotation along X axis</li>
<li>Node scripting support</li>
<li>Thumbnail dialog to preview models when editing scene node model properties</li>
<li>Node copying ...</li></ol><p class="subheader">Category: <a href="">News</a>


<a class="button radius secondary small right" href="">Read More</a>
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<a href=""><h3 class="article-title">Editor 0.5.0 and plans for 0.6.0</h3></a>
<h6 class="subheader" title="2015-04-15T00:00:00+03:00">Ср 15 Апрель 2015
<a class="button secondary small translation-button" href="">ru</a>

</h6><p>We completed Editor 0.5.0. As it was planned, it has scene node tree editing, property browser, and Qt5 support. You can <a title="Editor 0.5.0" href="" target="_blank">see 0.5.0 in action here</a>. </p>
<p>Also, we have just started Editor 0.6.0 development.</p>
<p>Editor 0.6.0 planned features:</p>
<li>Camera node editing</li>
<li>Light ...</li></ol><p class="subheader">Category: <a href="">News</a>


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pelican/content/articles/ Zobrazit soubor

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
Title: Редактор 0.5.0 и планы для 0.6.0
Date: 2015-04-15 00:00
Category: News
Slug: editor-06-roadmap
Lang: ru

Мы завершили работу над версией 0.5.0 редактора. Как было запланировано, эта версия содержит редактирование узлов сцены, браузер свойств, поддеркжу Qt5. Вы можете <a title="Editor 0.5.0" href="" target="_blank">увидеть 0.5.0 в действии здесь</a>.

Также мы только что начали разработку Редактора 0.6.0.

Запланированные возможности Редактора 0.6.0:

0. Редактирование узлов с камерой
0. Редактирование узлов со светом
0. Редактирование вращения узлов
0. Поддержка скриптов у узлов
0. Диалог для предпросмотра моделей и материалов при редактировании моделей и материалов у узла
0. Копирование и вставка узлов
0. Выбор узла с помощью клика мышью в сцене

Мы планируем завершить его в августе.

+ 22
- 0
pelican/content/articles/ Zobrazit soubor

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
Title: Editor 0.5.0 and plans for 0.6.0
Date: 2015-04-15 00:00
Category: News
Slug: editor-06-roadmap
Lang: en

We completed Editor 0.5.0. As it was planned, it has scene node tree editing, property browser, and Qt5 support. You can <a title="Editor 0.5.0" href="" target="_blank">see 0.5.0 in action here</a>.

Also, we have just started Editor 0.6.0 development.

Editor 0.6.0 planned features:

0. Camera node editing
0. Light node editing
0. Node rotation editing
0. Node scripting support
0. Thumbnail dialog to preview materials and models when editing scene node material and model properties
0. Copying and pasting of scene nodes
0. Scene node selection by clicking a mouse in the scene

We estimate to complete it in August.

+ 20
- 0
pelican/content/articles/ Zobrazit soubor

@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Title: Редактор 0.6.0
Date: 2015-06-28 00:00
Category: News
Slug: editor-06
Lang: ru

Мы завершили работу над версией 0.6.0 редактора. Вы можете <a title="Editor 0.6.0" href="" target="_blank">увидеть 0.6.0 в действии здесь</a>.

Список новых возможностей Редактора 0.6.0:

0. Позиционирование узлов с камерой и светом
0. Вращение узлов по оси X
0. Поддержка скриптов у узлов
0. Диалог для предпросмотра моделей при редактировании моделей у узла
0. Копирование и вставка узлов
0. Выбор узла с помощью клика мышью в сцене
0. Восстановление позиции и состояния окна после перезапуска

На текущий момент у нас нет даты завершения 0.7.0, потому что мы решили взять паузу и потратить некоторое время на составление дорожной карты для Shuan и Mahjong 2. Как только мы её закончим, мы расскажем и о возможностях 0.7.0, и о дате завершения 0.7.0, и о самой дорожной карте.

+ 20
- 0
pelican/content/articles/ Zobrazit soubor

@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Title: Editor 0.6.0
Date: 2015-06-28 00:00
Category: News
Slug: editor-06
Lang: en

We completed Editor 0.6.0. You can <a title="Editor 0.6.0" href="" target="_blank">see 0.6.0 in action here</a>.

Editor 0.6.0 got the following new features:

0. Camera and light node positioning
0. Node rotation along X axis
0. Node scripting support
0. Thumbnail dialog to preview models when editing scene node model properties
0. Node copying and pasting
0. Node selection by LMB click in the scene
0. Window geometry and state restoration after restart

We don't have 0.7.0 completion date at the moment, because we decided to take some time to set up a roadmap for Shuan and Mahjong 2. Once done, we will share 0.7.0 completion date and its feature list along with the roadmap.

+ 18
- 0
pelican/content/articles/ Zobrazit soubor

@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
Title: Дорожная карта 2015-2016
Date: 2015-07-19 00:00
Category: News
Slug: 2015-roadmap
Lang: ru

Как и было обещано, мы составили список вех и их примерные даты на ближайший год:

0. Редактор 0.7.0 (Октябрь 2015) - Система действий: мы воссоздаём <a title="Тестовый цех" href="" target="_blank">тестовый цех</a>
0. Редактор 0.8.0 (Декабрь 2015) - Звуковая система
0. Редактор 0.9.0 (Февраль 2016) - Система частиц и минимальный интерфейс пользователя (UI)
0. Редактор 0.10.0, Проигрыватель 0.1.0 (Апрель 2016) - Проигрыватель воспроизводит созданное Редактором: мы создаём прототип Шуана на нашем движке
0. Редактор 0.11.0, Проигрыватель 0.2.0 (Июнь 2016) - Поддержка сети: мы создаём прототип классического Маджонга для 4-х игроков

Эти примерные даты предполагают трату 40 часов в месяц одним программистом. Это около 1 рабочей недели. Не много, но это всё время, что у нас есть.

Мы сообщим больше деталей о Редакторе 0.7.0 чуть позже: нам нужно решить, какие возможности заслуживают 80 часов нашего времени в следующие 2 месяца.

+ 18
- 0
pelican/content/articles/ Zobrazit soubor

@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
Title: Roadmap for 2015-2016
Date: 2015-07-19 00:00
Category: News
Slug: 2015-roadmap
Lang: en

As promised, we have come up with a list of milestones and their approximate dates for the coming year:

0. Editor 0.7.0 (October 2015) - Actions' system: we recreate the <a title="Test chamber" href="" target="_blank">test chamber</a>
0. Editor 0.8.0 (December 2015) - Sound system
0. Editor 0.9.0 (February 2016) - Particles' system and minimal UI
0. Editor 0.10.0, Player 0.1.0 (April 2016) - Player to play what Editor produced: we create Shuan prototype with our engine
0. Editor 0.11.0, Player 0.2.0 (June 2016) - Networking: we create Classic 4-player Mahjong prototype

These approximate dates presume one coder spends 40 hours a month. That's about 1 work week at full-time job. Not much, but that's the only time we have.

We will post more details about Editor 0.7.0 shortly: we need to decide what features deserve 80 hours of our time for the next 2 months.

+ 10
- 0
pelican/content/articles/ Zobrazit soubor

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Title: Тестовый цех каждому (Редактор 0.7.0)
Date: 2015-07-22 00:00
Category: News
Slug: test-chamber-for-everyone
Lang: ru

Как вы знаете, основная цель Редактора 0.7.0 - это возможность создать <a title="Тестовый цех" href="" target="_blank">тестовый цех</a> с помощью него. Редактору не хватает системы Действий и исправления некоторых ошибок для этого. Помимо выпуска Редактора мы опубликуем подробную статью, описывающую создание тестового цеха, чтобы каждый мог создать себе свой тестовый цех!

Мы планируем завершить его в Октябре.

+ 10
- 0
pelican/content/articles/ Zobrazit soubor

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Title: Test chamber for everyone (Editor 0.7.0)
Date: 2015-07-22 00:00
Category: News
Slug: test-chamber-for-everyone
Lang: en

As you know, the main goal of Editor 0.7.0 is the ability to create the <a title="Test chamber" href="" target="_blank">test chamber</a> with it. It needs Actions' system and a few stability fixes for that. We are going to publish a detailed article describing how to create the test chamber, too, so that anyone could create their own test chamber!

We estimate to complete it in October.

+ 1
- 1
pelican/content/articles/ Zobrazit soubor

@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ Lang: ru
0. Редактор + Проигрыватель 0.9.0 (Апрель 2016): Сетевая система, простая игра ping pong для двух игроков по сети
0. Редактор + Проигрыватель 0.10.0 (Июль 2016): Полировка, прототип игры "Шуан"

[roadmap-2015-2016]: {filename}/articles/
[roadmap-2015-2016]: {filename}/articles/

+ 1
- 1
pelican/content/articles/ Zobrazit soubor

@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ Here's the revised roadmap for the first half of 2016:
0. Editor + Player 0.9.0 (April 2016): Networking system, simple ping pong game for 2 players over the net
0. Editor + Player 0.10.0 (July 2016): Polishing, "Shuan" prototype

[roadmap-2015-2016]: {filename}/articles/
[roadmap-2015-2016]: {filename}/articles/

+ 128
- 0
test-chamber-for-everyone-ru.html Zobrazit soubor

@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
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title="Permalink to Тестовый цех каждому (Редактор 0.7.0)">Тестовый цех каждому (Редактор 0.7.0)</a></h3>

<h6 class="subheader" title="2015-07-22T00:00:00+03:00">Ср 22 Июль 2015
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</h6> <p>Как вы знаете, основная цель Редактора 0.7.0 - это возможность создать <a title="Тестовый цех" href="" target="_blank">тестовый цех</a> с помощью него. Редактору не хватает системы Действий и исправления некоторых ошибок для этого. Помимо выпуска Редактора мы опубликуем подробную статью, описывающую создание тестового цеха, чтобы каждый мог создать себе свой тестовый цех!</p>
<p>Мы планируем завершить его в Октябре.</p>
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<h3 class="article-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark"
title="Permalink to Test chamber for everyone (Editor 0.7.0)">Test chamber for everyone (Editor 0.7.0)</a></h3>

<h6 class="subheader" title="2015-07-22T00:00:00+03:00">Ср 22 Июль 2015
<a class="button secondary small translation-button" href="">ru</a>

</h6> <p>As you know, the main goal of Editor 0.7.0 is the ability to create the <a title="Test chamber" href="" target="_blank">test chamber</a> with it. It needs Actions' system and a few stability fixes for that. We are going to publish a detailed article describing how to create the test chamber, too, so that anyone could create their own test chamber!</p>
<p>We estimate to complete it in October.</p>
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