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  1. coa4u
  2. =====
  3. ## Cocos2d-like Actions for Unity3d
  4. Unity3d is a very good game engine. It's almost perfect for quick prototyping.
  5. After switching from Cocos2D to Unity3d, i'm still missing just one cocos's feature - actions.
  6. It's a great combination of simplicity and flexibility, and i haven't found the suitable replacement for it.
  7. Since actions are quite simple, i implemented them myself.
  8. ### How to use
  9. 1. Put the src folder into your assets folder.
  10. Then attach the Actor.cs script to the object you want.
  11. See the examples folder, there's a sample script there.
  12. You can also subclass the Actor and add all the actions you want to the Start() method.
  13. ### Included actions (ready and WIP)
  14. All actions are capable to work both in 3D (use Vector3) and 2D (use Vector2) scenes.
  15. Base actions
  16. - [x] Sequence
  17. - [x] Parallel
  18. - [x] Repeat and Loop *implemented in one action*
  19. *Every reversable action has a reverse() method. So, no plans for Reverse action right now.*
  20. Interval actions
  21. - [x] Delay and RandomDelay *implemented in one action*
  22. - [x] MoveTo
  23. - [x] MoveBy
  24. - [x] RotateTo
  25. - [x] RotateBy
  26. - [x] ScaleTo
  27. - [x] ScaleBy
  28. - [x] BezierAbs
  29. - [x] BezierRel
  30. - [x] JumpTo *uses Bezier action to move the object*
  31. - [x] JumpBy *uses Bezier action to move the object*
  32. - [x] Blink
  33. *if you want to manipulate alpha with the following actions, your material should support transparency (i.e. use Transparent shader)*
  34. - [x] TintBy
  35. - [x] TintTo
  36. - [x] FadeOut
  37. - [x] FadeIn
  38. - [x] FadeTo
  39. - [x] FadeBy
  40. Instant actions
  41. - [x] Place *renamed to SetPlace*
  42. - [x] CallFunc *renamed to SendMessage*
  43. - [x] Hide
  44. - [x] Show
  45. - [x] ToggleVisibility
  46. There's no plans for 3DGrid actions. You can use the 3D actions instead.
  47. ### Some additional actions
  48. Base actions
  49. - [x] Random *Randomly choises and does one action from the given list.*
  50. Interval actions
  51. *These two actions requires the using of MeshActor script instead of Actor.*
  52. - [x] SkewBy
  53. - [ ] SkewTo
  54. Instant actions
  55. - [x] SetRotation
  56. - [x] SetTint
  57. ### Future plans
  58. After completing these actions, i'm going to add some more to the list.
  59. ## License
  60. Just like Cocos2D, this code licensed under the [MIT License](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License)
  61. ## Help and donations
  62. I'm not doing it to make profit, but if you want, [you can send me a couple of bucks via PayPal](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=Z64675TKXFRFU).
  63. Also, if you'll write some action based on mine, feel free to send it to me, if you want me to add it to the library. I'll put your name on this page.