@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ |
// Copyright 2014 Thom Chiovoloni, released under the MIT license. |
/// A random number generator based on the basic implementation of the PCG algorithm, |
/// as described here: http://www.pcg-random.org/ |
var PcgRandom = (function() { |
'use strict'; |
var defaultIncHi = 0x14057b7e; |
var defaultIncLo = 0xf767814f; |
/// Construct a random number generator. |
function PcgRandom(seedHi, seedLo, incHi, incLo) { |
this.setSeed(seedHi, seedLo, incHi, incLo) |
} |
/// Set the seed and incrementer. |
PcgRandom.prototype.setSeed = function(seedHi, seedLo, incHi, incLo) { |
if (seedLo == null && seedHi == null) { |
seedLo = (Math.random() * 0xffffffff) >>> 0; |
seedHi = 0; |
} |
else if (seedLo == null) { |
seedLo = seedHi; |
seedHi = 0; |
} |
if (incLo == null && incHi == null) { |
incLo = this.state_ ? this.state_[3] : defaultIncLo; |
incHi = this.state_ ? this.state_[2] : defaultIncHi; |
} |
else if (incLo == null) { |
incLo = incHi; |
incHi = 0; |
} |
this.state_ = new Int32Array([ 0, 0, incHi >>> 0, (incLo|1) >>> 0 ]); |
this.next_(); |
add64_(this.state_, this.state_[0], this.state_[1], seedHi>>>0, seedLo>>>0); |
this.next_(); |
return this; |
}; |
/// Return a copy of the internal state of this random number generator as a JavaScript Array. |
PcgRandom.prototype.getState = function() { |
return [this.state_[0], this.state_[1], this.state_[2], this.state_[3]]; |
}; |
/// Set the state of the random number generator. |
PcgRandom.prototype.setState = function(state) { |
this.state_[0] = state[0]; |
this.state_[1] = state[1]; |
this.state_[2] = state[2]; |
this.state_[3] = state[3]|1; |
}; |
// shim for Math.imul. |
var imul = Math.imul; |
if (!imul) { |
imul = function(a, b) { |
var ah = (a >>> 16) & 0xffff, al = a & 0xffff; |
var bh = (b >>> 16) & 0xffff, bl = b & 0xffff; |
return ((al * bl) + (((ah * bl + al * bh) << 16) >>> 0) | 0); |
}; |
} |
// multiply two 64 bit numbers (given in parts), and store the result in `out`. |
function mul64_(out, aHi, aLo, bHi, bLo) { |
var c1 = (aLo >>> 16) * (bLo & 0xffff) >>> 0; |
var c0 = (aLo & 0xffff) * (bLo >>> 16) >>> 0; |
var lo = ((aLo & 0xffff) * (bLo & 0xffff)) >>> 0; |
var hi = ((aLo >>> 16) * (bLo >>> 16)) + ((c0 >>> 16) + (c1 >>> 16)) >>> 0; |
c0 = (c0 << 16) >>> 0; |
lo = (lo + c0) >>> 0; |
if ((lo >>> 0) < (c0 >>> 0)) { |
hi = (hi + 1) >>> 0; |
} |
c1 = (c1 << 16) >>> 0; |
lo = (lo + c1) >>> 0; |
if ((lo >>> 0) < (c1 >>> 0)) { |
hi = (hi + 1) >>> 0; |
} |
hi = (hi + imul(aLo, bHi)) >>> 0; |
hi = (hi + imul(aHi, bLo)) >>> 0; |
out[0] = hi; |
out[1] = lo; |
} |
// add two 64 bit numbers (given in parts), and store the result in `out`. |
function add64_(out, aHi, aLo, bHi, bLo) { |
var hi = (aHi + bHi) >>> 0; |
var lo = (aLo + bLo) >>> 0; |
if ((lo >>> 0) < (aLo >>> 0)) { |
hi = (hi + 1) | 0; |
} |
out[0] = hi; |
out[1] = lo; |
} |
var MUL_HI = 0x5851f42d >>> 0; |
var MUL_LO = 0x4c957f2d >>> 0; |
/// Generate a random 32 bit integer. This uses the PCG algorithm, described |
/// here: http://www.pcg-random.org/ |
PcgRandom.prototype.next_ = function() { |
// save current state (what we'll use for this number) |
var oldHi = this.state_[0] >>> 0; |
var oldLo = this.state_[1] >>> 0; |
// churn LCG. |
mul64_(this.state_, oldHi, oldLo, MUL_HI, MUL_LO); |
add64_(this.state_, this.state_[0], this.state_[1], this.state_[2], this.state_[3]); |
// get least sig. 32 bits of ((oldstate >> 18) ^ oldstate) >> 27 |
var xsHi = oldHi >>> 18; |
var xsLo = ((oldLo >>> 18) | (oldHi << 14)) >>> 0; |
xsHi = (xsHi ^ oldHi) >>> 0; |
xsLo = (xsLo ^ oldLo) >>> 0; |
var xorshifted = ((xsLo >>> 27) | (xsHi << 5)) >>> 0; |
// rotate xorshifted right a random amount, based on the most sig. 5 bits |
// bits of the old state. |
var rot = oldHi >>> 27; |
var rot2 = ((-rot >>> 0) & 31) >>> 0; |
return ((xorshifted >>> rot) | (xorshifted << rot2)) >>> 0; |
}; |
/// Get a uniformly distributed 32 bit integer between [0, max). |
PcgRandom.prototype.integer = function(max) { |
if (!max) { |
return this.next_(); |
} |
max = max >>> 0; |
if ((max & (max - 1)) === 0) { |
return this.next_() & (max - 1); // fast path for power of 2 |
} |
var num = 0; |
var skew = ((-max >>> 0) % max) >>> 0; |
for (num = this.next_(); num < skew; num = this.next_()) { |
// this loop will rarely execute more than twice, |
// and is intentionally empty |
} |
return num % max; |
}; |
var BIT_53 = 9007199254740992.0; |
var BIT_27 = 134217728.0; |
/// Get a uniformly distributed IEEE-754 double between 0.0 and 1.0, with |
/// 53 bits of precision (every bit of the mantissa is randomized). |
PcgRandom.prototype.number = function() { |
var hi = (this.next_() & 0x03ffffff) * 1.0; |
var lo = (this.next_() & 0x07ffffff) * 1.0; |
return ((hi * BIT_27) + lo) / BIT_53; |
}; |
return PcgRandom; |
}()); |
if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) { |
module.exports = PcgRandom; |
} |