@@ -1,46 +1,53 @@ |
# Overview |
# Overview |
We consider changing [Opensource Game Studio website](http://opengamestudio.org)'s |
engine from Wordpress to [Pelican](http://getpelican.com). This is Pelican |
evaluation. |
This is an internal document describing how to update |
[Opensource Game Studio website][opengamestudio] |
powered by [Pelican][pelican]. |
# Installation |
# Installation |
You need a working Python's `pip`. |
Install Pelican with the following command: |
Install Pelican with the following command: |
`sudo apt install pelican` |
``` |
sudo apt install pelican |
``` |
# Preview |
# Preview |
* Generate local copy with the following commands: |
`cd pelican` |
`pelican -s pelicanconf.py` |
To preview results locally: |
* Serve the local copy with the following commands: |
* generate local copy with the following commands: |
``` |
cd pelican |
pelican -s pelicanconf.py |
``` |
* serve the local copy with the following commands: |
``` |
cd output |
python -m SimpleHTTPServer |
``` |
`cd output` |
`python -m SimpleHTTPServer` |
The preview should now be available at |
[http://localhost:8000](http://localhost:8000). |
The preview should now be available at [http://localhost:8000][preview]. |
# Publishing |
# Publishing |
* Generate public site with the following commands: |
`cd pelican` |
To publish new content: |
`pelican -s publishconf.py` |
* generate public site with the following commands: |
``` |
cd pelican |
pelican -s publishconf.py |
``` |
* Upload it to GitHub with the following commands: |
* upload it to GitHub with the following command: |
``` |
git push |
``` |
`git push` |
The public site should now be available at |
[Opensource Game Studio website][opengamestudio]. |
The publich site should now be available at |
[http://kaisd.github.io/ogs-site](http://kaisd.github.io/ogs-site). |
[opengamestudio]: http://opengamestudio.org |
[pelican]: http://getpelican.com |
[preview]: http://localhost:8000 |