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  1. Title: About
  2. Slug: about
  3. Lang: en
  4. #### Goals
  5. The goals of Opensource Game Studio are:
  6. * creation of free video game development tools
  7. * creation of video games with those tools
  8. * creation of video game development tutorials
  9. We use opensource and freeware software as the base, that's why our tools are
  10. opensource, too.
  11. To this date, we have released OGS Mahjong 1. It's a solitaire game and the
  12. first step in the long path towards full-scale RPG we dream of.
  13. #### Team
  14. Opensource Game Studio team consists of:
  15. * Michael “kornerr” Kapelko – software engineer, co-founder.
  16. * Ivan “Kai SD” Korystin – game designer, QA, PM, co-founder.
  17. #### Contributors
  18. Opensource Game Studio contributors are:
  19. * Maxim Zaretsky – Writer.
  20. * Tatyana Artemyeva – QA.
  21. * devALEX – software engineer.
  22. * Timur “Sora” Malikin, Anton “Kif” Chernov- 3D modellers.
  23. * Thierry Delaunay, Miguel de Dios, Dirk Pervolz, Jurgen Rauscher – translators.
  24. #### Join us
  25. Join us if you feel the world needs more quality games and game development tools.