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  31. <h1>News</h1>
  32. <div class="news_item">
  33. <h2 class="news_item_title">
  34. <a href="rolling-ball.html">"Rolling ball" live session videos and downloads</a>
  35. </h2>
  36. <p class="news_item_date">
  37. 2016-02-10 00:00
  38. </p>
  39. <div class="news_item_contents">
  40. <p>Since we held 2 live sessions to create "Rolling ball" game, here are 2 YouTube videos of the process:</p>
  41. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/70Jny1xJxK8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  42. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/851IlFT7y18" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  43. <p>"Rolling ball" game for Linux (Debian based), OS X (10.9+), Windows <a title="SourceForge" href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/osrpgcreation/files/Games/RollingBall/">is available at SourceForge</a>.. . .</p>
  44. </div>
  45. <div class="news_item_more">
  46. <a href="rolling-ball.html">Continue reading</a>
  47. </div>
  48. </div>
  49. <div class="news_item">
  50. <h2 class="news_item_title">
  51. <a href="rolling-ball-live-session-pt2.html">Game creation live session (part 2): 7 February 2016</a>
  52. </h2>
  53. <p class="news_item_date">
  54. 2016-02-02 00:00
  55. </p>
  56. <div class="news_item_contents">
  57. <p>Unfortunately, we have failed to finish creation of the simple "Rolling ball" game in 3 hours. That's why we will hold the second <a title="LiveCoding" href="https://www.livecoding.tv/kornerr">LiveCoding</a> session on <a title="Local time" href="http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Open+Game+Studio%3A+Game+creation+live+session%2C+part+2&iso=20160207T12&p1=37&ah=3">7 February 2016 at 12:00 CET</a>.</p>
  58. <p>Let's finish the game!</p>
  59. <p>. . .</p>
  60. </div>
  61. <div class="news_item_more">
  62. <a href="rolling-ball-live-session-pt2.html">Continue reading</a>
  63. </div>
  64. </div>
  65. <div class="news_item">
  66. <h2 class="news_item_title">
  67. <a href="january-live-session-announcement.html">Game creation live session: 31 January 2016</a>
  68. </h2>
  69. <p class="news_item_date">
  70. 2016-01-25 00:00
  71. </p>
  72. <div class="news_item_contents">
  73. <p>We're glad to annouce that the <a title="LiveCoding" href="https://www.livecoding.tv/kornerr">LiveCoding</a> session will take place on <a title="Local time" href="http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Open+Game+Studio%3A+Game+creation+live+session&iso=20160131T12&p1=37&ah=3">31 January 2016 at 12:00 CET</a>. Join us!</p>
  74. <p>. . .</p>
  75. </div>
  76. <div class="news_item_more">
  77. <a href="january-live-session-announcement.html">Continue reading</a>
  78. </div>
  79. </div>
  80. <div class="news_item">
  81. <h2 class="news_item_title">
  82. <a href="january-live-session-decision.html">SOON: Creating a simple game live (Editor 0.8)</a>
  83. </h2>
  84. <p class="news_item_date">
  85. 2016-01-21 00:00
  86. </p>
  87. <div class="news_item_contents">
  88. <p>We are ready to present Editor 0.8 with Player. The live session will be held at <a title="LiveCoding" href="https://www.livecoding.tv/kornerr">LiveCoding</a> SOON. We will show you how to create a simple game with sounds from scratch. And this time it will not need an Editor to run.</p>
  89. <p>The exact date and time is to be announced in the coming days. Stay tuned!</p>
  90. <p>. . .</p>
  91. </div>
  92. <div class="news_item_more">
  93. <a href="january-live-session-decision.html">Continue reading</a>
  94. </div>
  95. </div>
  96. <div class="news_item">
  97. <h2 class="news_item_title">
  98. <a href="2016-roadmap.html">Roadmap for 2016</a>
  99. </h2>
  100. <p class="news_item_date">
  101. 2015-12-26 00:00
  102. </p>
  103. <div class="news_item_contents">
  104. <p>As you know, according to the <a href="2015-roadmap.html">previously published roadmap</a>, we now have sound system in place. However, we decided to go further and implement the first version of Player. We wanted to get it done by December, but, unfortunately, more work resulted in the change of dates.</p>
  105. <p>Here's the revised roadmap for the first half of 2016:</p>
  106. <ol>
  107. <li>Editor + Player 0.8.0 (January 2016): Sound system, Whac-a-mole game with sounds</li>
  108. <li>Editor + Player 0.9.0 (April 2016): Networking system, simple ping pong game for 2 players over the net. . .</li>
  109. </ol>
  110. </div>
  111. <div class="news_item_more">
  112. <a href="2016-roadmap.html">Continue reading</a>
  113. </div>
  114. </div>
  115. <div class="news_item">
  116. <h2 class="news_item_title">
  117. <a href="livesession-materials-editor-07.html">Live session video and downloads</a>
  118. </h2>
  119. <p class="news_item_date">
  120. 2015-11-15 00:00
  121. </p>
  122. <div class="news_item_contents">
  123. <p>If you missed the live session, you can watch it here:
  124. <a href="https://www.livecoding.tv/video/kornerr/playlists/whac-a-mole-from-scratch/">https://www.livecoding.tv/video/kornerr/playlists/whac-a-mole-from-scratch/</a></p>
  125. <p>You can download the resulting project here:
  126. <a href="https://github.com/OGStudio/liveSessionWhacAMole/archive/master.zip">https://github.com/OGStudio/liveSessionWhacAMole/archive/master.zip</a></p>
  127. <p>The latest editor can be found here:
  128. <a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/osrpgcreation/files/Editor/jenkins/42_2015-11-13_08-16-46_0.7.4/">http://sourceforge.net/projects/osrpgcreation/files/Editor/jenkins/42<em>2015-11-13</em>08-16-46_0.7.4/</a>. . .</p>
  129. </div>
  130. <div class="news_item_more">
  131. <a href="livesession-materials-editor-07.html">Continue reading</a>
  132. </div>
  133. </div>
  134. <div class="news_item">
  135. <h2 class="news_item_title">
  136. <a href="livesession-editor-07.html">Creating a simple game live: 15 November 2015</a>
  137. </h2>
  138. <p class="news_item_date">
  139. 2015-11-09 00:00
  140. </p>
  141. <div class="news_item_contents">
  142. <p>We're glad to annouce that the <a title="LiveCoding" href="https://www.livecoding.tv/kornerr">LiveCoding</a> session will take place on <a title="Local time" href="http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Whac-a-mole+game+from+scratch+live&amp;iso=20151115T12&amp;p1=37&amp;ah=3">15 November 2015 at 12:00 CET</a>. Join us!</p>
  143. <p>. . .</p>
  144. </div>
  145. <div class="news_item_more">
  146. <a href="livesession-editor-07.html">Continue reading</a>
  147. </div>
  148. </div>
  149. <div class="news_item">
  150. <h2 class="news_item_title">
  151. <a href="soon-game-creation-editor-07.html">SOON: Creating a simple game live (Editor 0.7)</a>
  152. </h2>
  153. <p class="news_item_date">
  154. 2015-11-02 00:00
  155. </p>
  156. <div class="news_item_contents">
  157. <p>As we have promised, we are ready to give you Editor 0.7 which is capable of creating the complete test chamber. However, after recreating the test chamber ourselves, it became clear that:</p>
  158. <ol>
  159. <li>it takes more than 8 hours to recreate it (too long)</li>
  160. <li>it's inappropriate to be presented in the form of an article (too boring)</li>
  161. </ol>
  162. <p>Therefore we decided to hold a live session at <a title="LiveCoding" href="https://www.livecoding.tv/kornerr">LiveCoding</a> SOON to show you how to create a simple <a title="Whac-a-mole" href="http://google.com/search?q=whac+a+mole">whac-a-mole like game</a> from scratch.. . .</p>
  163. </div>
  164. <div class="news_item_more">
  165. <a href="soon-game-creation-editor-07.html">Continue reading</a>
  166. </div>
  167. </div>
  168. <div class="news_item">
  169. <h2 class="news_item_title">
  170. <a href="bye-desura-hello-humblebundle.html">Desura no more, hello Humble Bundle Widget</a>
  171. </h2>
  172. <p class="news_item_date">
  173. 2015-07-23 00:00
  174. </p>
  175. <div class="news_item_contents">
  176. <p>After the recent bankruptcy of Desura's parent company, we decided, that we need a new place for our Deluxe version. Something better, more modern and more trustworthy. We have chosen the Humble Widget, with which you can buy the deluxe version of the game without leaving our site.</p>
  177. <p>Here it is:</p>
  178. <iframe src="https://www.humblebundle.com/widget/v2/product/ogsmahjong/ySGF3h34?theme=transparent-light" width="526" height="325" style="border: none;" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>
  179. <p>We haven't received a single penny from Desura (due to the minimal cache out limitations), but if you bought the deluxe version from them and experiencing any problems with downloading it (right now we see no problems with that), send us a letter, tell your name on Desura, we'll figure something out.. . .</p>
  180. </div>
  181. <div class="news_item_more">
  182. <a href="bye-desura-hello-humblebundle.html">Continue reading</a>
  183. </div>
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