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  98. <h1>In the news</h1>
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  100. <h2 class="news_item_title">
  101. <a href="2019-year-of-rethinking.html">Year of rethinking</a>
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  103. <p class="news_item_date">
  104. 2019-01-01 0:01
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  108. <img src="../../images/2017-12-31-celebration.jpg" alt="Sparkler" /><figcaption>Sparkler</figcaption>
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  110. <p>It was a year of reimagining and rethinking. As some of you may remember, we started this project to make a game development tool. During the years, the idea evolved from one form to another, sometimes the changes were significant, other times we threw away all the code and started anew.</p>
  111. <p>As a result of all these changes, we came to the end of the year 2018 without a tool, but with a clear understanding of what tool are we making.</p>
  112. <p>There are plenty of fine game development tools out there. Some of them are even open source. We spent plenty of time trying them, and some are quite good.</p>
  113. <p>We can’t, and we don’t want to compete with them. Our targets are maximal accessibility and simplicity. Our goal is to make a tool suitable for teaching children, but powerful enough to be used for prototyping. To use any powerful development tool, you need a PC or a laptop. We want to make the toolset, that can be used anywhere. We already made some steps in this direction, and we will continue this course.</p>
  114. <p>So, we’re beginning a new year without precise plans, but with clear knowledge of our goal instead. Let’s wait and see if this approach works better.</p>
  115. <p>Happy New Year to all of you! See you soon!</p>
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