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5 роки тому
5 роки тому
5 роки тому
5 роки тому
5 роки тому
5 роки тому
5 роки тому
5 роки тому
5 роки тому
  1. Title: Education
  2. Date: 2019-06-25 00:00
  3. Category: Page
  4. Slug: education
  5. Lang: en
  6. Here is a set of documents to make you proficient in generating static sites with **PSKOV**. We encourage you to read the documents in order.
  7. ## [01. Why][why]
  8. | Property | Details |
  9. |---|---|
  10. | Description | Find out why **PSKOV** was created |
  11. | Estimated completion time | 5 minutes |
  12. ## [02. Dependencies][deps]
  13. | Property | Details |
  14. |---|---|
  15. | Description | Install dependencies to start using **PSKOV** |
  16. | Estimated completion time | 5 minutes |
  17. ## [03. Site][site]
  18. | Property | Details |
  19. |---|---|
  20. | Description | Learn how to create a simple static web site with two pages |
  21. | Estimated completion time | 10 minutes |
  22. | Demonstration | [TwoPages][01-sample] |
  23. | Introduced PSKOV constants | <ol> <li>`PSKOV_ITEM_TITLE`</li> <li>`PSKOV_ITEM_CONTENTS`</li> </ol> |
  24. | Introduced configuration keys | <ol> <li>`input`</li> <li>`item`</li> </ol> |
  25. | Introduced header keys | <ol> <li>`Title`</li> <li>`Slug`</li> </ol> |
  26. ## [04. Language][lang]
  27. | Property | Details |
  28. |---|---|
  29. | Description | Learn how to add language selection |
  30. | Estimated completion time | 10 minutes |
  31. | Demonstration | [Language][02-sample] |
  32. | Introduced PSKOV constants | <ol> <li>`PSKOV_ITEM_URL`</li> </ol> |
  33. ## [05. Blog][blog]
  34. | Property | Details |
  35. |---|---|
  36. | Description | Learn how to create "dynamic" pages for a blog |
  37. | Estimated completion time | 20 minutes |
  38. | Demonstration | [Blog][03-sample] |
  39. | Introduced PSKOV constants | <ol> <li>`PSKOV_ITEM_DATE`</li> <li>`PSKOV_PREVIEW`</li> <li>`PSKOV_INDEX_URL`</li> <li>`PSKOV_PREVIEWS`</li> <li>`PSKOV_PAGINATION`</li> <li>`PSKOV_PAGE_ID`</li> <li>`PSKOV_PAGES_COUNT`</li> <li>`PSKOV_PREV_PAGE_URL`</li> <li>`PSKOV_NEXT_PAGE_URL`</li> </ol> |
  40. | Introduced configuration keys | <ol> <li>`preview`</li> <li>`index`</li> <li>`paginationPrev`</li> <li>`paginationNext`</li> <li>`paginationPrevNext`</li> <li>`previewSize`</li> <li>`previewEnding`</li> <li>`previewsPerPage`</li> <li>`previewsPageBaseName`</li> </ol> |
  41. | Introduced header keys | <ol> <li>`Date`</li> </ol> |
  42. If you like what we do, join us at [VK][vk], [Twitter][tw], or [Facebook][fb].
  43. [why]: education.01.why.html
  44. [deps]: education.02.deps.html
  45. [site]: education.03.site.html
  46. [lang]: education.04.lang.html
  47. [blog]: education.05.blog.html
  48. [01-sample]: http://opengamestudio.org/pskov/sample/01.TwoPages/about.html
  49. [02-sample]: http://opengamestudio.org/pskov/sample/02.Language/en/about.html
  50. [03-sample]: http://opengamestudio.org/pskov/sample/03.Blog/en/blog/index.html
  51. [vk]: https://vk.com/opengamestudo
  52. [tw]: https://twitter.com/OpenGameStudio
  53. [fb]: https://www.facebook.com/groups/162611230470183