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  1. # Список указателей на модули для загрузки во время пуска
  2. # 启动时要加载的模块指针列表
  3. # List of module pointers to load at startup
  4. https://bitbucket.org/gitjs/jquery/raw/3.5.1/0000
  5. https://bitbucket.org/gitjs/uikit/raw/3.2.0/0000
  6. https://git.opengamestudio.org/mahjong/base64/raw/branch/master/0000
  7. https://git.opengamestudio.org/mahjong/mahjong-raskladka-layout/raw/branch/master/0000
  8. https://git.opengamestudio.org/mahjong/povtorniy-repeating-ui/raw/branch/master/0000