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- <a href="http://opengamestudio.org/2014-another-year-passed.html"><h3 class="article-title">And another year has passed</h3></a>
- <h6 class="subheader" title="2014-12-31T12:00:00+03:00">Ср 31 декабря 2014
- <a class="button secondary small translation-button" href="http://opengamestudio.org/2014-another-year-passed-ru.html">ru</a>
- </h6><p>Hello!</p>
- <p>So, this year comes to the end. There were very little publications from us during this year. We haven't stopped working, but right now our work is in the phase, when we have nothing to show. And the spare time of the team members is rarely more then 30-40 …</p><p class="subheader">Category: <a href="http://opengamestudio.org/category/news.html">News</a>
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- <a class="button radius secondary small right" href="http://opengamestudio.org/2014-another-year-passed.html">Read More</a>
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- <a href="http://opengamestudio.org/user-servey-finish-promise.html"><h3 class="article-title">User survey ends today</h3></a>
- <h6 class="subheader" title="2014-12-31T00:00:00+03:00">Ср 31 декабря 2014
- <a class="button secondary small translation-button" href="http://opengamestudio.org/user-servey-finish-promise-ru.html">ru</a>
- </h6><p>About a year ago, we started the user survey, in order to find out what do
- you think of the Open Source in general and about our project in particular.
- Today we're closing this survey. It took time, but we've got plenty of answers.
- Thank you for that.</p>
- <p>We'll share …</p><p class="subheader">Category: <a href="http://opengamestudio.org/category/news.html">News</a>
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- <a class="button radius secondary small right" href="http://opengamestudio.org/user-servey-finish-promise.html">Read More</a>
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- <p>Proudly powered by <a href="http://getpelican.com">Pelican</a>, which takes great advantage of <a href="http://python.org">Python</a>.</p>
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