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- <h3 class="left_item_title">In the news...</h3>
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- <h2 class="news_item_title">
- <a href="2016-september-recap.html">September 2016 recap</a>
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- <p class="news_item_date">
- 2016-10-11 00:00
- </p>
- <div class="news_item_contents">
- <p><img src="../../images/2016-10-11_september-recap.png" alt="Mahjong created during live session" /></p>
- <p>This article explains September 2016 live session stages: draft, rehearsal, live session itself, and publishing.</p>
- <p>Even though live session takes only a few hours, we devote a whole month to prepare for it. Let's have a look at live session stages in detail.</p>
- <ol>
- <li><p><strong>Draft.</strong> Game creation for the first time.</p>
- <p>Purposes:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>test our technologies and fix major bugs;</li>
- <li>discover usability issues to fix in the next development iteration;</li>
- <li>list exact steps to reproduce the game later;</li>
- <li>create draft version of the game assets (models, textures, sounds, scripts).</li></ul>
- <p>Upon stage completion, we announce live session date and show you the game preview.</p></li>
- <li><p><strong>Rehearsal.</strong> Game recreation.</p>
- <p>Purposes:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>make sure we have no major bugs left;</li>
- <li>record the whole process of the game creation;</li>
- <li>create final game assets.</li></ul>
- <p>This is 99% the game we publish later.</p></li>
- <li><p><strong>Live session.</strong> Reassembling the game live in front of you.</p>
- <p>Purposes:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>show how easy it is to create a game;</li>
- <li>walk you through nuances of game creation;</li>
- <li>get feedback from you;</li>
- <li>answer your questions.</li></ul>
- <p>We take game assets from the rehearsal and use them to quickly reassemble the game in just a few hours.</p></li>
- <li><p><strong>Publishing.</strong> The release of our technologies' last version, live session materials, and stand alone game.</p></li>
- </ol>
- <p>That's it for explaining September 2016 live session stages: draft, rehearsal, live session itself, and publishing.</p>
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