Ivan 51b4aa723e updated the site 7年前
author updated the site 7年前
category updated the site 7年前
feeds updated the site 7年前
images pictures for the new article 7年前
pages updated the site 7年前
pelican changed the ads 7年前
theme Conform to Github Pages requirements for organization 7年前
.gitignore Conform to Github Pages requirements for organization 7年前
2017-06-08-ios-refactoring.png Conform to Github Pages requirements for organization 7年前
2017-07-openscenegraph-guide.png Add 2017-07 article 7年前
2017-08-scripting-research.png Add 2017-08 scripting research to public 7年前
2017-09-mjin-world-birth.png Publish 2017-09 article about the birth of MJIN world 7年前
2017-10-16-back-to-the-static.png another variant of the picture 7年前
2017-11-22-2017-summary.png Add 2017 summary article 7年前
2017-summary-ru.html updated the site 7年前
2017-summary.html updated the site 7年前
CNAME Create CNAME 7年前
README.md Correct typos 7年前
archives.html updated the site 7年前
authors.html Conform to Github Pages requirements for organization 7年前
back-to-the-static-ru.html updated the site 7年前
back-to-the-static.html updated the site 7年前
categories.html updated the site 7年前
index.html updated the site 7年前
index2.html Add 2017-08 scripting research to public 7年前
ios-tutorial-ru.html updated the site 7年前
ios-tutorial.html updated the site 7年前
mjin-player.html Add mjin-player with mjin-application-memory-colors 0.1 7年前
mjin-player.js Add mjin-player with mjin-application-memory-colors 0.1 7年前
mjin-world-birth-ru.html updated the site 7年前
mjin-world-birth.html updated the site 7年前
openscenegraph-cross-platform-guide-ru.html updated the site 7年前
openscenegraph-cross-platform-guide.html updated the site 7年前
scripting-research-ru.html updated the site 7年前
scripting-research.html updated the site 7年前
stub-ru.html updated the site 7年前
stub.html updated the site 7年前
tags.html updated the site 7年前



We consider changing Opensource Game Studio website‘s engine from Wordpress to Pelican. This is Pelican evaluation.


You need a working Python's pip.

Install Pelican with the following command:

sudo apt install pelican


  • Generate local copy with the following commands:

cd pelican

pelican -s pelicanconf.py

  • Serve the local copy with the following commands:

cd output

python -m SimpleHTTPServer

The preview should now be available at http://localhost:8000.


  • Generate public site with the following commands:

cd pelican

pelican -s publishconf.py

  • Upload it to GitHub with the following commands:

git push

The publich site should now be available at http://ogstudio.github.io.