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  27. <h2 class="news_item_title">
  28. <a href="year24.html">Results of the year 2024</a>
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  30. <p class="news_item_date">
  31. 2025-01-15 00:00
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  34. <p><img src="../../images/2025_year24-en.jpg" alt="year24" /></p>
  35. <h1 id="results">Results</h1>
  36. <p>Let's see the results of the year 2024 quarter by quarter:</p>
  37. <ul>
  38. <li><strong>The first quarter</strong> (January - March):<ul>
  39. <li>(Swift) Implemented data bus for iOS to create common space of communication for fragmented code</li>
  40. <li>Introduced "Limited language model" term to describe portable code rules</li>
  41. <li>Python was selected as the anchor programming language from which to generate functional copies in other languages</li></ul></li>
  42. <li><strong>The second quarter</strong> (April - June):<ul>
  43. <li>(Python) Created the first version of Python -&gt; C++ translator</li>
  44. <li>Created text UI for "Memory" game</li>
  45. <li>Created graphics UI for "Memory" game with assests based on sketches drawn on the graph paper</li></ul></li>
  46. <li><strong>The third quarter</strong> (July - September):<ul>
  47. <li>(Python) Created 2D adventure game prototype using Python Arcade</li>
  48. <li>Renamed "Limited language model" term to "Cross-language dialect" (<strong>CLD</strong>) to better convey the nature of achieving portable code</li>
  49. <li>Participated in a 3-day long gamejam to see how cross-language dialect works in real case scenarios</li></ul></li>
  50. <li><strong>The fourth quarter</strong> (October - December):<ul>
  51. <li>(Kotlin) Created the first version of <a href="http://opengamestudio.org/ru/news/lha-jvm-macos.html">Local Host Access</a> (<strong>LHA</strong>), a small web server to provide local file system access to web pages</li>
  52. <li>(Kotlin) Created the first version of translator to convert YML to Kotlin</li>
  53. <li>Kotlin replaced Python as the anchor programming language due to Kotlin's strong typing and Kotlin's community propensity towards portable code</li></ul></li>
  54. </ul>
  55. <p>For me, portable code is no longer an idea, it is reality.
  56. However, cross-language dialect needs more love
  57. to blossom for others to see its utility. That's where I'm going to
  58. pour my scarce free time during 2025.</p>
  59. <h1 id="january">January</h1>
  60. <p>I'll start rewriting PSKOV in Kotlin for JVM.</p>
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