
Title: Switching scenes Date: 2024-09-06 00:00 Category: News Slug: ht-scenes Lang: en


In August I implemented scene switching, which allowed me to do the following:

  • pressing “Start the game” button in the splash screen takes the player to a level with three floors
  • selecting a door takes the player to another floor
  • selecting a TV set focuses the player on the TV set with a remote control
  • switching TV channels results in different images being shown

Thus, scenes are good both for focusing on items and moving the player around.


I plan to implement replay of short sounds in September.


I stumbled upon an interesting “Time after tax” post. The author briefly tells how after spending time on mandatory day to day activities (sleep, work, commute, wash, etc.) he is only left with 3 hours of free time. The author calls this “Time after tax”.

That concept explains where I take time for “Tail and Shadow” project. For example, I managed to spend 27 hours for the project in August, that's about 1 hour a day. Of course, one would spend 27 hours on a full-time job in 3-4 days, but a job won't let you make your dream come true.

Do you use “time after tax”?