
Title: Back to the development of “PSKOV” Date: 2024-11-14 00:00 Category: News Slug: pskov-again Lang: en


“PSKOV” today

Now, we have an old “PSKOV” version and we need an improved one.

First, we should recall what “PSKOV” consists of:

  1. The generator itself in the form of HTML page with JavaScript
  2. Helper Python script to save generated files to disk

Helper script is used to bypass web page restriction to access local file system.

The script itself is a tiny web server with the following commands:

Command Details
1 GET /path Get current working directory path
2 POST /list Get a list of files in the requested directory
3 POST /read Get file's contents
4 POST /write Write file's contents

“PSKOV” tomorrow

Thus, the simplest way to get back to “PSKOV” development is to rewrite the helper script. I decided to replace Python with Kotlin because:

  1. Kotlin can be compiled for desktop, mobile, and web
  2. Kotlin is strictly typed

These two factors simplify future work with portable code.

As of now, I have GET /path implemented for JVM, macOS, and Windows (image in the beginning).


I plan to implement the following commands in November:

  • POST /list
  • POST /read