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- <a href="http://opengamestudio.org/mjin-world-birth.html"><h3 class="article-title">The birth of MJIN world</h3></a>
- <h6 class="subheader" title="2017-09-10T00:00:00+03:00">Вс 10 сентября 2017
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- </h6><p><img alt="The birth of MJIN world" src="http://opengamestudio.org/2017-09-mjin-world-birth.png"></p>
- <p>This article describes the birth of MJIN world in August 2017.</p>
- <p><strong>mjin-player</strong></p>
- <p>As you know, <a href="http://opengamestudio.org/scripting-research.html">we spent July to research scripting</a>. We found a solution that satisfies the following criteria. Scripts should:</p>
- <ol>
- <li>run unchanged on all supported platforms</li>
- <li>allow extending C++ code</li>
- </ol>
- <p>We have verified the second criterion by writing …</p><p class="subheader">Category: <a href="http://opengamestudio.org/category/news.html">News</a>
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- <a class="button radius secondary small right" href="http://opengamestudio.org/mjin-world-birth.html">Read More</a>
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- <a href="http://opengamestudio.org/scripting-research.html"><h3 class="article-title">Scripting research</h3></a>
- <h6 class="subheader" title="2017-08-16T00:00:00+03:00">Ср 16 августа 2017
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- </h6><p><img alt="Scripting research" src="http://opengamestudio.org/2017-08-scripting-research.png"></p>
- <p>This article describes scripting research in July 2017.</p>
- <p><strong>Our first goal of using a scripting language was to have a platform-independent code that runs unchanged on every supported platform.</strong></p>
- <p>OGS Editor 0.10 supports Python for such a code thanks to <a href="http://swig.org/">SWIG</a>. SWIG provides a way to wrap almost any …</p><p class="subheader">Category: <a href="http://opengamestudio.org/category/news.html">News</a>
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- <a class="button radius secondary small right" href="http://opengamestudio.org/scripting-research.html">Read More</a>
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- <a href="http://opengamestudio.org/openscenegraph-cross-platform-guide.html"><h3 class="article-title">OpenSceneGraph cross-platform guide</h3></a>
- <h6 class="subheader" title="2017-07-17T00:00:00+03:00">Пн 17 июля 2017
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- </h6><p><img alt="OpenSceneGraph guide" src="http://opengamestudio.org/2017-07-openscenegraph-guide.png"></p>
- <p>This article summarizes the work we did to produce OpenSceneGraph cross-platform guide.</p>
- <p>June marked the finish of <a href="https://github.com/OGStudio/openscenegraph-cross-platform-guide">OpenSceneGraph cross-platform guide</a> with the publishing of the last (initially planned) tutorial. The tutorial describes <a href="https://github.com/OGStudio/openscenegraph-cross-platform-guide/tree/master/1.10.SampleWeb">how to build and run sample OpenSceneGraph application in Web</a> using Emscripten.
- In case you missed it, here's …</p><p class="subheader">Category: <a href="http://opengamestudio.org/category/news.html">News</a>
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- <a class="button radius secondary small right" href="http://opengamestudio.org/openscenegraph-cross-platform-guide.html">Read More</a>
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- <a href="http://opengamestudio.org/ios-tutorial.html"><h3 class="article-title">iOS tutorial</h3></a>
- <h6 class="subheader" title="2017-06-08T10:00:00+03:00">Чт 08 июня 2017
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- </h6><p><img alt="iOS tutorial" src="http://opengamestudio.org/2017-06-08-ios-refactoring.png"></p>
- <p>This article describes problems we faced during the creation of iOS tutorial in May 2017.</p>
- <p><a href="https://twitter.com/OpenGameStudio/status/826816343433498627">This February</a> we managed to get simple model rendered under iOS in just a few days. We expected to finish iOS tutorial in no time. However, the reality reminded us: it's easy to come up …</p><p class="subheader">Category: <a href="http://opengamestudio.org/category/news.html">News</a>
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- <a class="button radius secondary small right" href="http://opengamestudio.org/ios-tutorial.html">Read More</a>
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- <a href="http://opengamestudio.org/osg-sample.html"><h3 class="article-title">OpenSceneGraph sample</h3></a>
- <h6 class="subheader" title="2017-05-12T00:00:00+03:00">Пт 12 мая 2017
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- </h6><p><img alt="OSG sample" src="http://opengamestudio.org/2017-05_osg-sample.png"></p>
- <p>This article describes creation of the tutorials for building sample OpenSceneGraph application under Linux, macOS, Windows, and Android in April 2017.</p>
- <p>Previous tutorials described how to install OpenSceneGraph under Linux, macOS, Windows and render a model using the standard <strong>osgviewer</strong> tool. This time we worked on a <a href="https://github.com/OGStudio/openscenegraph-cross-platform-guide-application">sample OpenSceneGraph application …</a></p><p class="subheader">Category: <a href="http://opengamestudio.org/category/news.html">News</a>
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- <a class="button radius secondary small right" href="http://opengamestudio.org/osg-sample.html">Read More</a>
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- <a href="http://opengamestudio.org/its-all-fine.html"><h3 class="article-title">It's all fine</h3></a>
- <h6 class="subheader" title="2017-04-07T00:00:00+03:00">Пт 07 апреля 2017
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- </h6><p><img alt="ItsAllFine" src="http://opengamestudio.org/2017-04_its-all-fine.png"></p>
- <p>This article describes creation of the first four OpenSceneGraph tutorials in March 2017.</p>
- <p>The <a href="https://github.com/OGStudio/openscenegraph-cross-platform-guide/">first four OpenSceneGraph tutorials</a> explain how to create a cube model with Blender and display the model under Linux, macOS, or Windows using OpenSceneGraph tool called osgviewer.</p>
- <p>The whole process of creating a single tutorial turned …</p><p class="subheader">Category: <a href="http://opengamestudio.org/category/news.html">News</a>
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- <a class="button radius secondary small right" href="http://opengamestudio.org/its-all-fine.html">Read More</a>
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- <a href="http://opengamestudio.org/lets-go.html"><h3 class="article-title">Let's go</h3></a>
- <h6 class="subheader" title="2017-03-16T00:00:00+03:00">Чт 16 марта 2017
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- </h6><p><img alt="Let's go" src="http://opengamestudio.org/2017-03_lets-go.png"></p>
- <p>In this article we describe our progress in January and February of 2017: rendering under iOS/Web and a new tutorial tool.</p>
- <p><strong>Rendering under iOS/Web</strong></p>
- <p>To our surprise, we got a simple red cube rendered under <a href="https://twitter.com/OpenGameStudio/status/826816343433498627">iOS</a> and <a href="https://twitter.com/OpenGameStudio/status/829731986264698881">Web</a> pretty fast: in early February. However, this is only the …</p><p class="subheader">Category: <a href="http://opengamestudio.org/category/news.html">News</a>
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- <a class="button radius secondary small right" href="http://opengamestudio.org/lets-go.html">Read More</a>
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- <a href="http://opengamestudio.org/the-year-of-challenges.html"><h3 class="article-title">The year of challenges</h3></a>
- <h6 class="subheader" title="2017-01-25T00:00:00+03:00">Ср 25 января 2017
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- </h6><p><img alt="The year of challenges" src="http://opengamestudio.org/2017-01_the-year-of-challenges.png"></p>
- <p>This article describes our plans for 2017.</p>
- <p>Our past plans suggested we would have Android platform support by this time. However, we have a long way to go, before we can declare Android support. See for yourself:</p>
- <p><img alt="Android rendering" src="http://opengamestudio.org/2017-01_mjin-android-gles.png"></p>
- <p>Some people would consider this a failure. We don't. We see a chance …</p><p class="subheader">Category: <a href="http://opengamestudio.org/category/news.html">News</a>
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- <a class="button radius secondary small right" href="http://opengamestudio.org/the-year-of-challenges.html">Read More</a>
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- <a href="http://opengamestudio.org/2017-happy-new-year.html"><h3 class="article-title">Happy 2017</h3></a>
- <h6 class="subheader" title="2016-12-31T00:00:00+03:00">Сб 31 декабря 2016
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- </h6><p><img alt="Happy new year" src="http://opengamestudio.org/2016-12-31_happy-new-year.png"></p>
- <p>Okay. It's been a hard year for everyone in the team. And it's almost over. Praise it ends! Praise the new one!</p>
- <p>It may seem, that our progress stalled. Three years ago we announced the beginning of a new project (two to be precise), and now we still working on …</p><p class="subheader">Category: <a href="http://opengamestudio.org/category/news.html">News</a>
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- <a class="button radius secondary small right" href="http://opengamestudio.org/2017-happy-new-year.html">Read More</a>
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- <a href="http://opengamestudio.org/2016-november-recap.html"><h3 class="article-title">November 2016 recap</h3></a>
- <h6 class="subheader" title="2016-12-15T00:00:00+03:00">Чт 15 декабря 2016
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- </h6><p><img alt="November recap" src="http://opengamestudio.org/2016-12-15_2016-november-recap.png"></p>
- <p>This article describes the start of MJIN library separation into modules.</p>
- <p>Once we built OpenSceneGraph for Android, it became obvious that some MJIN functionality is not suitable for Android. For example, UIQt provides a basis for OGS Editor UI. Since OGS Editor is a desktop application, we don't need UIQt …</p><p class="subheader">Category: <a href="http://opengamestudio.org/category/news.html">News</a>
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- <a class="button radius secondary small right" href="http://opengamestudio.org/2016-november-recap.html">Read More</a>
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