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  38. <h3 class="article-title"><a href="http://opengamestudio.org/back-to-the-static.html" rel="bookmark"
  39. title="Permalink to Back to the Static">Back to the Static</a></h3>
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  41. <h6 class="subheader" title="2017-10-16T00:00:00+03:00">Mon 16 October 2017
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  43. </h6> <p><img alt="Back to the Static" src="http://opengamestudio.org/2017-10-16-back-to-the-static.png"></p>
  44. <p>We have been using Wordpress as our website engine for more than seven years. And now it's time to move forward. Or backward.
  45. For some time we've been tracking the development of the new breed of website engines - static site generators.
  46. It seems that this is the technology capable of changing past into future.</p>
  47. <p>A static website is more straightforward, quicker and more secure. And with the help of generators, it is also as easy to manage, as the dynamic website.
  48. So, we are starting our site anew with the help of the <a href="https://blog.getpelican.com/">Pelican</a>.
  49. Right now it doesn't have all the content from our old site, but we'll add most of it soon.</p>
  50. <p class="subheader">Category: <a href="http://opengamestudio.org/category/news.html">News</a>
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  88. <p>Proudly powered by <a href="http://getpelican.com">Pelican</a>, which takes great advantage of <a href="http://python.org">Python</a>.</p>
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