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- <h2 class="news_item_title">
- <a href="cld_ctx-gen.html">CLD: Context generation</a>
- </h2>
- <p class="news_item_date">
- 2025-03-11 00:00
- </p>
- <div class="news_item_contents">
- <p><img src="../../images/2025-03_redux-data-flow.jpg" alt="splash" /></p>
- <h1 id="contextgeneration">Context generation</h1>
- <p>In February I've updated the <strong>C</strong>ross-<strong>l</strong>anguage <strong>d</strong>ialect (CLD) translator to
- generate Context out of YML. The generated Contexts have already been
- used for the following projects:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>CLD (the CLD translator generated its own Context)</li>
- <li>LHA</li>
- <li>PSKOV</li>
- </ul>
- <p>I never really took time to explain what Context is, so here's
- a very short explanation: Context is very close to
- <a href="https://redux.js.org/introduction/getting-started#basic-example">Store in Redux</a>. I'm afraid this is not yet the time
- to explain Context in detail because I don't yet have a good
- argument why you need Context. Once that time comes I do it.</p>
- <p>Now let's get back to the Context generation. Here's how LHA's YML for Context looks like: (<a href="https://github.com/OGStudio/local-host-access/blob/main/cld/entities.yml">entities.yml</a>):</p>
- <pre><code># Application state context
- Context:
- type: context
- fields:
- # Command line arguments
- arguments: [String]
- consoleOutput: String
- defaultDir: String
- didLaunch: Bool
- dir: String
- httpDefaultPort: Int
- httpLaunch: Bool
- httpPort: Int
- httpReply: String
- httpRequest: NetRequest
- </code></pre>
- <p>CLD translator converts it to the following code in Kotlin (<a href="https://github.com/OGStudio/local-host-access/blob/main/src/entities.kt#L3">entities.kt</a>):</p>
- <pre><code>// Application state context
- data class Context(
- // Command line arguments
- var arguments: Array<String> = arrayOf(),
- var consoleOutput: String = "",
- var defaultDir: String = "",
- var didLaunch: Boolean = false,
- var dir: String = "",
- var httpDefaultPort: Int = 0,
- var httpLaunch: Boolean = false,
- var httpPort: Int = 0,
- var httpReply: String = "",
- var httpRequest: NetRequest = NetRequest(),
- override var recentField: String = "",
- ): CLDContext {
- override fun <T> field(name: String): T {
- if (name == "arguments") {
- return arguments as T
- } else if (name == "consoleOutput") {
- return consoleOutput as T
- } else if (name == "defaultDir") {
- return defaultDir as T
- } else if (name == "didLaunch") {
- return didLaunch as T
- } else if (name == "dir") {
- return dir as T
- } else if (name == "httpDefaultPort") {
- return httpDefaultPort as T
- } else if (name == "httpLaunch") {
- return httpLaunch as T
- } else if (name == "httpPort") {
- return httpPort as T
- } else if (name == "httpReply") {
- return httpReply as T
- } else if (name == "httpRequest") {
- return httpRequest as T
- }
- return "unknown-field-name" as T
- }
- override fun selfCopy(): CLDContext {
- return this.copy()
- }
- override fun setField(
- name: String,
- value: Any?
- ) {
- if (name == "arguments") {
- arguments = value as Array<String>
- } else if (name == "consoleOutput") {
- consoleOutput = value as String
- } else if (name == "defaultDir") {
- defaultDir = value as String
- } else if (name == "didLaunch") {
- didLaunch = value as Boolean
- } else if (name == "dir") {
- dir = value as String
- } else if (name == "httpDefaultPort") {
- httpDefaultPort = value as Int
- } else if (name == "httpLaunch") {
- httpLaunch = value as Boolean
- } else if (name == "httpPort") {
- httpPort = value as Int
- } else if (name == "httpReply") {
- httpReply = value as String
- } else if (name == "httpRequest") {
- httpRequest = value as NetRequest
- }
- }
- }
- </code></pre>
- <h1 id="march">March</h1>
- <p>Kotlin is currently the anchor programming language of CLD. Thus, to use Kotlin,
- one would have to install related Java tools (Gradle, Android Studio or JVM itself).
- Such a requirement makes it impossible to have a web browser only development
- tool. And being able to code in a web browser is something I consider the
- key feature for code portability.</p>
- <p>That's why in March I plan to create the draft of a tool running in a web browser.</p>
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