
On the way to durable applications

2019-08-05 00:00

Pskov's veche

This article describes our first durable application for desktop PCs: PSKOV static site generator.


A durable application is an application that functions without a single change on operating systems released in years 2010-2030. In other words, a durable application has backward compatibility of 10 years and has the stability to run for 10 years. Actually, PSKOV runs even under Windows 2000, so PSKOV has backward compatibility of 19 years.. . .

Defending availability

2019-04-16 00:00

Altai's Katun river

In this article, we describe the beginning of our efforts to protect ourselves from third-party solutions.

Since day one of Opensource Game Studio project, we rely heavily on third-party solutions to help us achieve the goal of creating the best game development tools. To this date, we used forums, task trackers, mailing lists, social networks, code version control systems, hosting providers, compiler suites, libraries, and so on. Each third-party solution we used had its own lifespan.. . .

Teaching kids to program

2019-02-04 00:00

Students and teachers

In this article, Michael shares his experience of teaching kids to program.

Here's what he covers:

  • organization of the learning process
  • learning plan
  • memory game. . .

Year of rethinking

2019-01-01 0:01


It was a year of reimagining and rethinking. As some of you may remember, we started this project to make a game development tool. During the years, the idea evolved from one form to another, sometimes the changes were significant, other times we threw away all the code and started anew.. . .

Ideal games and game development tools

2018-11-19 00:00

A man without and with tools

In this article, we discuss how ideal video game and video game development tool look like, in our opinion.


As you know, the goals of Opensource Game Studio are:. . .

OGS Mahjong 2: Demo 2

2018-10-02 00:00

Start of a Mahjong party

We are glad to announce the release of the second demonstration of OGS Mahjong 2. The purposes of this release were to refine our development techniques and build a solid cross-platform foundation.. . .

Examples and dependencies

2018-08-21 00:00


This article describes two new OpenSceneGraph cross-platform examples and the change in handling dependencies.

Examples of HTTP client and node selection

Once we finished working on the remote debugging example and reported its completion, we were surprised by the fact that secure HTTP connection between a debugged application and debug broker was only working in the web version of the example. Desktop and mobile versions only worked with insecure HTTP.. . .

Example-driven development

2018-06-27 00:00

Debug broker

This article explains how the third OpenSceneGraph cross-platform example opened our eyes to example-driven development.

2018-08 EDIT: the third example has been renamed to the fourth one due to the reasons described in the next article.. . .

OpenSceneGraph cross-platform examples

2018-04-20 00:00

iOS Simulator renders a cube

This article summarizes the work we did to produce the first two cross-platform OpenSceneGraph examples.

By the time the first technology demonstration of OGS Mahjong 2 has been released, we've already had issue request (to explain how to load images with OpenSceneGraph on Android) hanging for some time. We considered creating a new tutorial for OpenSceneGraph cross-platform guide at first. However, we realized that it's time-consuming and excessive for such a tiny topic (compared to what an average game has) as image loading. We decided to continue sharing our knowledge in the form of concrete examples. That's how OpenSceneGraph cross-platform examples were born.. . .

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