
OpenSceneGraph cross-platform examples

2018-04-20 00:00

iOS Simulator renders a cube

This article summarizes the work we did to produce the first two cross-platform OpenSceneGraph examples.

By the time the first technology demonstration of OGS Mahjong 2 has been released, we've already had issue request (to explain how to load images with OpenSceneGraph on Android) hanging for some time. We considered creating a new tutorial for OpenSceneGraph cross-platform guide at first. However, we realized that it's time-consuming and excessive for such a tiny topic (compared to what an average game has) as image loading. We decided to continue sharing our knowledge in the form of concrete examples. That's how OpenSceneGraph cross-platform examples were born.. . .

First techdemo of OGS Mahjong 2: Gameplay

2018-02-16 00:00

End of a Mahjong party

We are glad to announce the release of the first technical demonstration of OGS Mahjong 2. The purpose of this release was to verify gameplay across supported platforms.

Get techdemo for your platform:


  • iOS version is not released because it cannot be easily shared outside AppStore.. . .

Mahjong recreation start

2018-01-26 00:00

Spherical tiles in a Mahjong layout

This article describes the start of Mahjong game recreation.


We started Mahjong recreation endeavour by composing a brief plan to get gameplay with minimal graphics:

  • Load single layout
  • Place tiles in layout positions
  • Distinguish tiles
  • Implement selection
  • Implement matching

Just like any other plan, this one looked fine at first sight. However, once you get down to work, new details start to come out. This plan was no exception. Below are a few problems that came out during development.. . .

The year of lessons

2017-12-31 22:00


So, the year 2017 is approaching its finale, the year's results have already been summed up. We're going to take a break from igniting the fireworks or preparation of the champagne so that we can designate our goal for the following year.

As it may be clear from other articles on the site, half of our plans in 2017 were destined to be completed at least approximately as we assumed. The other half was changed significantly.

During the year, people joined the team and left it. As a result, we meet the end of the year with exactly the same team as 365 days ago. It made us think. A lot. But We'll save the story for another time.. . .

2017 summary

2017-11-22 00:00

Memory game in the background

It's time to step back to see our accomplishments in 2017 and how they connect to the overall goal of Opensource Game Studio project.

Brief history

Opensource Game Studio project is 12 years old now.

2005. We started the project with a fanatic call to create the best game ever. Probably right after finishing Half-Life 2 or Morrowind. 99.99% of those who wanted to participate weathered during a couple of years leaving only the two of us: Michael (coding) and Ivan (the rest). The project was in a constant turmoil because we had no clear purpose and discipline. Thus, we only got a handful of demonstrations during that period.. . .

Back to the Static

2017-10-16 00:00

Static and dynamic unite

We have been using Wordpress as our website engine for more than seven years. And now it's time to move forward. Or backward. For some time we've been tracking the development of the new breed of website engines - static site generators. It seems that this is the technology capable of changing past into future.

A static website is more straightforward, quicker and more secure. And with the help of generators, it is also as easy to manage, as the dynamic website. So, we are starting our site anew with the help of the Pelican.. . .

The birth of MJIN world

2017-09-10 00:00

An explosion giving birth to something new

This article describes the birth of MJIN world in August 2017.


As you know, we spent July to research scripting. We found a solution that satisfies the following criteria. Scripts should:

  1. run unchanged on all supported platforms
  2. allow extending C++ code

We have verified the second criterion by writing a sample application. The first criterion was taken for granted because it SHOULD be true.. . .

Scripting research

2017-08-16 00:00

Textbook with a text

This article describes scripting research in July 2017.

Our first goal of using a scripting language was to have a platform-independent code that runs unchanged on every supported platform.

OGS Editor 0.10 supports Python for such a code thanks to SWIG. SWIG provides a way to wrap almost any C/C++ code and use it in dozens of languages like Python, Ruby, Lua, Java, C#, etc.. SWIG really helped us taste the beauty of platform-independent code. However, SWIG only works one way: from C/C++ to a target language. This means the main application must be in the target language, and C/C++ code can only be used as a library.. . .

OpenSceneGraph cross-platform guide

2017-07-17 00:00

OpenSceneGraph sample application in desktop and mobile

This article summarizes the work we did to produce OpenSceneGraph cross-platform guide.

June marked the finish of OpenSceneGraph cross-platform guide with the publishing of the last (initially planned) tutorial. The tutorial describes how to build and run sample OpenSceneGraph application in Web using Emscripten.. . .

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