
CLD: Context generation

2025-03-11 00:00


Context generation

In February I've updated the Cross-language dialect (CLD) translator to generate Context out of YML. The generated Contexts have already been used for the following projects:

  • CLD (the CLD translator generated its own Context)
  • LHA

I never really took time to explain what Context is, so here's a very short explanation: Context is very close to Store in Redux. I'm afraid this is not yet the time to explain Context in detail because I don't yet have a good. . .


2025-02-11 00:00


Seperate pages' generation

In January I implemented half of the functionality of original PSKOV: generation of separate HTML pages from Markdown.

Both PSKOV 1 and PSKOV 2 produce HTML files that look the same in web browsers. However, the contents of the generated HTML files differ because PSKOV 1 uses Showdown to convert Markdown to HTML, whereas PSKOV 2 uses intellij-markdown.

Let's see how the generated HTML files compare. Suppose we have the following. . .

Results of the year 2024

2025-01-15 00:00



Let's see the results of the year 2024 quarter by quarter:

  • The first quarter (January - March):
    • (Swift) Implemented data bus for iOS to create common space of communication for fragmented code
    • Introduced "Limited language model" term to describe portable code rules
    • Python was selected as the anchor programming language from which to generate functional copies in other languages
  • The second quarter (April - June):
    • (Python) Created the first version of Python -> C++ translator. . .

The first Local Host Access working version

2024-12-09 00:00


Local Host Access

Tiny web server called Local Host Access (LHA) is ready to replace Local File System Access (LFSA) on JVM and macOS: I've generated this very article with LHA on macOS. Thus, Kotlin prooved to be a good choice for cross-platform development with a minor limitation.

The minor limitation is the fact that 99% of Kotlin is used on JVM. The remaining 1% is so-called Kotlin Native for iOS, Linux, macOS, and Windows. Thus, when one needs something as simple as to find out if a symlink. . .

Back to the development of "PSKOV"

2024-11-14 00:00


"PSKOV" today

Now, we have an old "PSKOV" version and we need an improved one.

First, we should recall what "PSKOV" consists of:

  1. The generator itself in the form of HTML page with JavaScript
  2. Helper Python script to save generated files to disk

Helper script is used to bypass web page restriction to access local file system.

The script itself is a tiny web server with the following commands:

Command Details
1 GET /path Get current working directory path

Sound support and the search for a new direction

2024-10-11 00:00

Sound support

In September I implemented sound support. However, this was the last work for "Tail and Shadow" project, because the project's story writer - Eugene - left.

The search for a new direction

In September I also noticed the loss of interest in the project by the audience. I linked this to the fact that the project's functional and graphical results did not match that of the audience.. . .

Switching scenes

2024-09-06 00:00


In August I implemented scene switching, which allowed me to do the following:

  • pressing "Start the game" button in the splash screen takes the player to a level with three floors
  • selecting a door takes the player to another floor
  • selecting a TV set focuses the player on the TV set with a remote control
  • switching TV channels results in different images being shown

Thus, scenes are good both for focusing on items and moving the player around.. . .


2024-08-12 00:00


When July started my initial plan was to make the instrument support Python to JavaScript code translation. However, this did not happen because tasks with higher priority emerged.

Which task is more important than develpment of the instrument? Development of a game, of course! Now, let's go back to the beginning of July 2024…


"Start the game" 3-day gamejam finished in the beginning of July 2024. I participated in the jam to validate the instrument under development and. . .

"Memory" GUI

2024-07-04 00:00

"Memory" GUI

In June I implemented GUI for "Memory" game in Python with the help of Python Arcade.

While searching for the most convenient tool to create resources (assets), I found notebooks lined with graph paper to work the best:

Texture of a notebook

To see the portable code architecture in real life, I participated in the 3-day long gamejam of "Start the game". "Memory" game was used with a customized look to satisfy jam requirements.

Here's how the customized version looks like (Windows64 build):. . .

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