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- Title: Back to the Static
- Date: 2017-10-16 00:00
- Category: News
- Slug: back-to-the-static
- Lang: en
- We have been using Wordpress as our website engine for more than seven years. And now it's time to move forward. Or backward.
- For some time we've been tracking the development of the new breed of website engines - static site generators.
- It seems that this is the technology capable of changing past into future.
- A static website is more straightforward, quicker and more secure. And with the help of generators, it is also as easy to manage, as the dynamic website.
- So, we are starting our site anew with the help of the [Pelican](https://blog.getpelican.com/).
- Right now it doesn't have all the content from our old site, but we'll add most of it soon.