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  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
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  65. var buildDom = ace.require("ace/lib/dom").buildDom;
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  79. function updateToolbar() {
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  81. document.getElementById("btnRedo").disabled = !editor.session.getUndoManager().hasRedo();
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  84. editor.on("input", updateToolbar);
  85. if (localStorage.getItem("acetest") !== null) {
  86. editor.setValue(localStorage.getItem("acetest"));
  87. editor.clearSelection();
  88. }
  89. editor.getSession().on('change', function () {
  90. localStorage.setItem("acetest", editor.getSession().getValue());
  91. });
  92. function save() {
  93. alert("not yet implemented");
  94. }
  95. editor.commands.addCommand({
  96. name: "save",
  97. exec: save,
  98. bindKey: {
  99. win: "ctrl-s",
  100. mac: "cmd-s"
  101. }
  102. });
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  128. window.editor = editor;
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  131. </html>