from memory import * from memory_Context import * def memory_test_deselectMismatchedItems( ) -> str: c = memory_createContext() c.playfieldSize = 2 c.recentField = "playfieldSize" c = memory_generateConstPlayfield(c) # Select two items of different groups. c.selectedId = 0 c.recentField = "selectedId" c = memory_selectItem(c) c.selectedId = 2 c.recentField = "selectedId" c = memory_selectItem(c) # Detect mismatching. c = memory_deselectMismatchedItems(c) # See if the two selected items do not match. if ( c.recentField == "mismatchedItems" and len(c.mismatchedItems) == 2 and c.mismatchedItems[0] == 0 and c.mismatchedItems[1] == 2 ): return "OK: memory_deselectMismatchedItems" #} return "ERR: memory_deselectMismatchedItems" #} def memory_test_deselectMismatchedItems_itemTwice( ) -> str: c = memory_createContext() c.playfieldSize = 2 c.recentField = "playfieldSize" c = memory_generateConstPlayfield(c) # Select the same item twice. c.selectedId = 0 c.recentField = "selectedId" c = memory_selectItem(c) c.selectedId = 0 c.recentField = "selectedId" c = memory_selectItem(c) # Detect mismatching. c = memory_deselectMismatchedItems(c) # See if the two selected items do not match. if ( c.recentField == "mismatchedItems" and len(c.mismatchedItems) == 1 and c.mismatchedItems[0] == 0 ): return "OK: memory_deselectMismatchedItems_itemTwice" #} return "ERR: memory_deselectMismatchedItems_itemTwice" #} def memory_test_detectVictory( ) -> str: c = memory_createContext() c.playfieldSize = 2 c.recentField = "playfieldSize" c = memory_generateConstPlayfield(c) # Select the first two items of the same group. c.selectedId = 0 c.recentField = "selectedId" c = memory_selectItem(c) c.selectedId = 1 c.recentField = "selectedId" c = memory_selectItem(c) # Hide the first pair. c = memory_hideMatchingItems(c) # Select the last two items of the same group. c.selectedId = 2 c.recentField = "selectedId" c = memory_selectItem(c) c.selectedId = 3 c.recentField = "selectedId" c = memory_selectItem(c) # Hide the second pair. c = memory_hideMatchingItems(c) # Detect victory. c = memory_detectVictory(c) # See if victory has been detected. if ( c.recentField == "victory" and c.victory == True ): return "OK: memory_detectVictory" #} return "ERR: memory_detectVictory" #} def memory_test_generateConstPlayfield( ) -> str: c = memory_createContext() c.playfieldSize = 2 c.recentField = "playfieldSize" c = memory_generateConstPlayfield(c) if ( c.recentField == "playfieldItems" and len(c.playfieldItems) == 4 and c.playfieldItems[0] == 0 and c.playfieldItems[1] == 0 and c.playfieldItems[2] == 1 and c.playfieldItems[3] == 1 ): return "OK: memory_generateConstPlayfield" #} return "ERR: memory_generateConstPlayfield" #} def memory_test_hideMatchingItems( ) -> str: c = memory_createContext() c.playfieldSize = 2 c.recentField = "playfieldSize" c = memory_generateConstPlayfield(c) # Select two items of the same group. c.selectedId = 0 c.recentField = "selectedId" c = memory_selectItem(c) c.selectedId = 1 c.recentField = "selectedId" c = memory_selectItem(c) # Hide matching items. c = memory_hideMatchingItems(c) # See if the two selected items match. if ( c.recentField == "hiddenItems" and len(c.hiddenItems) == 2 and c.hiddenItems[0] == 0 and c.hiddenItems[1] == 1 ): return "OK: memory_hideMatchingItems" #} return "ERR: memory_hideMatchingItems" #} def memory_test_selectItem_1x( ) -> str: c = memory_createContext() c.playfieldSize = 2 c.recentField = "playfieldSize" c = memory_generateConstPlayfield(c) # Select the first item. c.selectedId = 0 c.recentField = "selectedId" c = memory_selectItem(c) # See if it's in selectedItems now. if ( c.recentField == "selectedItems" and len(c.selectedItems) == 1 and c.selectedItems[0] == 0 ): return "OK: memory_selectItem_1x" #} return "ERR: memory_selectItem_1x" #} def memory_test_selectItem_2x( ) -> str: c = memory_createContext() c.playfieldSize = 2 c.recentField = "playfieldSize" c = memory_generateConstPlayfield(c) # Select the first two items. c.selectedId = 0 c.recentField = "selectedId" c = memory_selectItem(c) c.selectedId = 1 c.recentField = "selectedId" c = memory_selectItem(c) # See if both items are selected now. if ( c.recentField == "selectedItems" and len(c.selectedItems) == 2 and c.selectedItems[0] == 0 and c.selectedItems[1] == 1 ): return "OK: memory_selectItem_2x" #} return "ERR: memory_selectItem_2x" #} def memory_test_selectItem_3x( ) -> str: c = memory_createContext() c.playfieldSize = 2 c.recentField = "playfieldSize" c = memory_generateConstPlayfield(c) # Select three items. c.selectedId = 0 c.recentField = "selectedId" c = memory_selectItem(c) c.selectedId = 1 c.recentField = "selectedId" c = memory_selectItem(c) c.selectedId = 2 c.recentField = "selectedId" c = memory_selectItem(c) # See if only one (last) item is selected now. if ( c.recentField == "selectedItems" and len(c.selectedItems) == 1 and c.selectedItems[0] == 2 ): return "OK: memory_selectItem_3x" #} return "ERR: memory_selectItem_3x" #}