#!/usr/bin/perl # This program generates a simkey10.dat (100, 1000, etc) each # containing 100 random keys of length 10 (100, 1000, etc). # These files can then be fed into keystats to observe that # the time to add or find the keys is directly proportional to # keylength n [in other words, O(n)]. # # The conclusion is that really long keys (e.g. 100k) are not # efficient. TDH 23Jan07 use strict; use warnings; #for my $len (10,100,1000,10000,100000,1000000) { for my $len (100) { open OUTFILE, ">simkeys$len.dat" or die "can't open: $!\n"; # we'll do 100 keys of $len print "keylen $len\n"; for my $i (0..99) { my $key = pack "I", $len; $key .= pack "C", (int(rand(256))) for (1..$len); print OUTFILE $key; } close OUTFILE; }