Title: OGS Mahjong 2 Slug: ogs-mahjong-2 Lang: en Remake of OGS Mahjong 1 that runs on desktop, mobile, and web. OGS Mahjong 2 is currently in development. You can try tech demos below. #### TechDemo-1: Gameplay ![shot][ogs-mahjong-2-screenshot] * **Milestone**: verify Mahjong gameplay across different platforms * **Released**: 2018-01-31 * **Internal version**: 13 * **Downloads**: * Run [Web version][tech-demo-1-web] in your browser * Get [Android version][tech-demo-1-android] * Get [Windows version][tech-demo-1-windows] * Get [Linux version][tech-demo-1-linux] * Get [macOS version][tech-demo-1-macos] Notes: * iOS version is not released because it cannot be easily shared outside AppStore. * Launch `run` script under Linux and macOS. * Linux version is only available in 64-bit variant. * macOS version should run on macOS Sierra or newer. #### Track development You can keep track of the development by regularly checking [OGS Mahjong 2 web releases][ogs-mahjong-2-web-releases]. We only release non-web versions upon reaching milestones. [ogs-mahjong-2-screenshot]: {attach}/images/ogs-mahjong-2-screenshot.png [ogs-mahjong-2-web-releases]: http://ogstudio.github.io/game-mahjong [tech-demo-1-web]: https://ogstudio.github.io/game-mahjong/versions/013/mjin-player.html [tech-demo-1-android]: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1KW8IEN8Dpz8ODeg8BctVSJyzj9-AL9hR [tech-demo-1-windows]: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1oj0-OXSmEatttzn86u2vgP9SRAIC0ozB [tech-demo-1-linux]: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1EX7kLIThLiMz9_W7VmBPySms3mlrF-i6 [tech-demo-1-macos]: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1KWnvbHzan8MpMcZPG2QC-7KWoEYbqrM2