OGS Mahjong 2: Demo 2

Вт 02 октября 2018 ru


We are glad to announce the release of the second demonstration of OGS Mahjong 2. The purposes of this release were to refine our development techniques and build a solid cross-platform foundation.


Run the latest version of OGS Mahjong 2 in your web browser: http://ogstudio.github.io/ogs-mahjong

You are encouraged to run the game with seed parameter like this: http://ogstudio.github.io/ogs-mahjong?seed=0

This allows you to play the same layout each time you launch the game.

Each seed uniquely identifies the placement of tiles. Thus, different seeds give you a different experience.

Development techniques and foundation

During the second demonstration development, we switched from standard development to example-driven one. This resulted in the creation of three distinct repositories to back the development of OGS Mahjong 2:

  • OpenSceneGraph cross-platform examples repository provides cross-platform foundation like resource handling, render window setup, etc.
  • OGS Mahjong components repository provides Mahjong specific functionality like parsing layout, matching tiles, etc.
  • OGS Mahjong repository contains snapshots of OGS Mahjong components features that comprise specific game version. E.g., Demo 2 version is almost identical to 05.ColorfulStatus example of OGS Mahjong components.

Beyond Mahjong solitaire

In addition to seed parameter, you can let the game use remote layout hosted at GitHub: http://ogstudio.github.io/ogs-mahjong?seed=0&layout=github://OGStudio/ogs-mahjong-components/data/cat.layout

Utilizing remote resources is an extremely powerful approach allowing anyone to create a layout of his/her choice and see the layout in action instantly.

Our next step is to turn game logic into a resource, too.

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Example-driven development

Ср 27 июня 2018 ru


This article explains how the third OpenSceneGraph cross-platform example opened our eyes to example-driven development.

2018-08 EDIT: the third example has been renamed to the fourth one due to the reasons described in the next article.

The third OpenSceneGraph cross-platform example

The third OpenSceneGraph cross-platform example explains how to implement …

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Mahjong recreation start

Пт 26 января 2018 ru


This article describes the start of Mahjong game recreation.


We started Mahjong recreation endeavour by composing a brief plan to get gameplay with minimal graphics:

  • Load single layout
  • Place tiles in layout positions
  • Distinguish tiles
  • Implement selection
  • Implement matching

Just like any other plan, this one looked fine at …

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The year of lessons

Вс 31 декабря 2017 ru


So, the year 2017 is approaching its finale, the year's results have already been summed up. We're going to take a break from igniting the fireworks or preparation of the champagne so that we can designate our goal for the following year.

As it may be clear from other articles …

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2017 summary

Ср 22 ноября 2017 ru


It's time to step back to see our accomplishments in 2017 and how they connect to the overall goal of Opensource Game Studio project.

Brief history

Opensource Game Studio project is 12 years old now.

2005. We started the project with a fanatic call to create the best game ever …

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Back to the Static

Пн 16 октября 2017 ru

Back to the Static

We have been using Wordpress as our website engine for more than seven years. And now it's time to move forward. Or backward. For some time we've been tracking the development of the new breed of website engines - static site generators. It seems that this is the technology capable of …

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The birth of MJIN world

Вс 10 сентября 2017 ru

The birth of MJIN world

This article describes the birth of MJIN world in August 2017.


As you know, we spent July to research scripting. We found a solution that satisfies the following criteria. Scripts should:

  1. run unchanged on all supported platforms
  2. allow extending C++ code

We have verified the second criterion by writing …

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