Title: "Memory" GUI Date: 2024-07-04 00:00 Category: News Slug: memory-gui Lang: en # "Memory" GUI In June I implemented GUI for "Memory" game in Python with the help of [Python Arcade][arcade]. While searching for the most convenient tool to create resources (assets), I found notebooks lined with graph paper to work the best: ![Texture of a notebook][ntex] To see the portable code architecture in real life, I participated in the 3-day long gamejam of ["Start the game"][jam]. "Memory" game was used with a customized look to satisfy jam requirements. Here's how the customized version looks like ([Windows64 build][w64]): # July plans I'll make the instrument support Python to JavaScript code translation. [arcade]: https://arcade.academy [w64]: https://ims.cr5.space/app/p/4FvJS4fk/Вредные-продукты/about [ntex]: ../../images/2024_memory-gui_notebook.jpg [jam]: https://dtf.ru/games/2783053-nachni-igru-ocenka-videorolikov