Title: Education: 02. Dependencies
Date: 2019-06-18 00:00
Category: Page
Slug: education.02.deps
Lang: en
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In this document we describe **PSKOV** dependencies and how to get them.
Estimated completion time: 5 minutes.
**Table of contents**
* [01. Dependencies](#deps)
* [02. Details](#details)
## 01. Dependencies
We designed **PSKOV** to run inside web browsers. Here is what you need to run **PSKOV**:
| № | PSKOV dependency | Notes |
| 1 | Web browser of 2010 or newer | **PSKOV** needs ECMAScript 5 (2009), any modern web browser should work |
| 2 | Local file system access | [LFSA][lfsa] gives **PSKOV** access to your local file system. Install LFSA to be able to use **PSKOV**. |
**Note**: [install LFSA][lfsa] to be able to use **PSKOV**.
## 02. Details
* is a client side JavaScript application
* has no direct access to local file system
* uses [LFSA][lfsa] to access local file system
* uses [Showdown][showdown] to convert Markdown to HTML
* is a tiny Python server to provide read/write access to local file system
* runs at 8000 port
* is under 200 lines of code, feel free to [inspect it][lfsa-src]
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[index]: education.html
[prev]: education.01.why.html
[next]: education.03.site.html
[lfsa]: http://opengamestudio.org/lfsa
[lfsa-src]: https://bitbucket.org/ogstudio/lfsa/src/default/lfsa_1.0.0.py
[showdown]: https://github.com/showdownjs/showdown