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            <h1>In the news...</h1>
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                <h2 class="news_item_title">
                    <a href="2016-tech-showcases.html">Technology showcases</a>
                <p class="news_item_date">
                    2016-10-31 00:00
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<p><img src="../../images/2016-10-31_tech-showcases.png" alt="Feature file in the background" /></p>
<p>In this article, we take another look at 2015-2016 live sessions' format and introduce a new showcase format for 2017.</p>
<p><strong>2015 and 2016: live sessions.</strong></p>
<p>As you know, we use live sessions to show the state of our technology and create a small functional game from scratch. We have conducted four live sessions in the past year, which gave birth to the following small games:</p>
  <th>**Created game**</th>
  <th>**Live session date**</th>
  <td>November 2015</td>
  <td>Rolling ball</td>
  <td>February 2016</td>
  <td>May 2016</td>
  <td>Mahjong Solitaire</td>
  <td>September 2016</td>
<p>We spent four months to prepare for these live sessions. It has been an extremely useful experience for us. However, 2017 will have only 2 live sessions. Why? We want to spend more time on actual development!</p>
<p><strong>2017: live sessions + technical previews.</strong></p>
<p>Starting next year, we will be doing technical previews twice a year. A technical preview is another way to show the state of our technology, but without creating new games and conducting live sessions.</p>
<p>Here's an approximate schedule of technical previews and live sessions for 2017:</p>
  <th>**Showcase type**</th>
  <td>Technical preview</td>
  <td>Android platform support</td>
  <td>Live session</td>
  <td>Android game creation</td>
  <td>Technical preview</td>
  <td>To be announced</td>
  <td>Live session</td>
  <td>To be announced</td>
<p>That's it for taking another look at 2015-2016 live sessions' format and introducing the new showcase format for 2017.</p>
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