Test chamber for everyone (Editor 0.7.0)

Ср 22 июля 2015 ru

As you know, the main goal of Editor 0.7.0 is the ability to create the test chamber with it. It needs Actions' system and a few stability fixes for that. We are going to publish a detailed article describing how to create the test chamber, too, so that …

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Roadmap for 2015-2016

Вс 19 июля 2015 ru

As promised, we have come up with a list of milestones and their approximate dates for the coming year:

  1. Editor 0.7.0 (October 2015) - Actions' system: we recreate the test chamber
  2. Editor 0.8.0 (December 2015) - Sound system
  3. Editor 0.9.0 (February 2016) - Particles' system and minimal …

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Editor 0.6.0

Вс 28 июня 2015 ru

We completed Editor 0.6.0. You can see 0.6.0 in action here.

Editor 0.6.0 got the following new features:

  1. Camera and light node positioning
  2. Node rotation along X axis
  3. Node scripting support
  4. Thumbnail dialog to preview models when editing scene node model properties
  5. Node copying …

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