Title: About us Date: 2019-07-31 00:00 Category: Page Slug: about Lang: en **Goals** The goals of Open Game Studio are: * creation of free video game development tools * making video games with those tools * preparing video game development tutorials To this date, we have released OGS Mahjong 1. It's a solitaire game and the first step in the long path towards full-scale RPG. **Team** * Michael “kornerr” Kapelko – software engineer, co-founder * Ivan “Kai SD” Korystin – game designer, QA, PM, co-founder **Contributors** * Maxim Zaretsky – writer * Tatyana Artemyeva – QA * devALEX – software engineer * Timur “Sora” Malikin, Anton “Kif” Chernov- 3D modellers * Thierry Delaunay, Miguel de Dios, Dirk Pervolz, Jurgen Rauscher – translators **Join us** If you like what we do, join us at [Discord][discord]. [discord]: https://discord.gg/3A6THQabNf