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            <h1>About us</h1>
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<p>The goals of Open Game Studio are:</p>
<li>creation of free video game development tools</li>
<li>making video games with those tools</li>
<li>preparing video game development tutorials</li>
<p>To this date, we have released OGS Mahjong 1. It's a solitaire game and the
first step in the long path towards full-scale RPG.</p>
<li>Michael “kornerr” Kapelko – software engineer, co-founder</li>
<li>Ivan “Kai SD” Korystin – game designer, QA, PM, co-founder</li>
<li>Maxim Zaretsky – writer</li>
<li>Tatyana Artemyeva – QA</li>
<li>devALEX – software engineer</li>
<li>Timur “Sora” Malikin, Anton “Kif” Chernov- 3D modellers</li>
<li>Thierry Delaunay, Miguel de Dios, Dirk Pervolz, Jurgen Rauscher – translators</li>
<p><strong>Join us</strong></p>
<p>If you like what we do, join us at <a href="https://discord.gg/3A6THQabNf">Discord</a>.</p>
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