Title: Education: 01. Why
Date: 2019-05-14 00:00
Category: Page
Slug: education.01.why
Lang: en
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In this document we briefly explain why **PSKOV** was created.
Estimated completion time: 5 minutes.
**Table of contents**
* [01. Why](#why)
* [02. Features](#features)
## 01. Why
You might know there already exist quite a lot of [static site generators][other-generators], why create another one? Because **they are not good enough** for [Opensource Game Studio][ogs] needs.
Here's a list of **features we don't need**:
| № | Unwelcome feature | Note |
| 1 | Learning anything beyond HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Markdown | These technologies are enough to deliver information to users |
| 2 | Server side | Nobody should be able to pull the plug on you except yourself |
| 3 | Installation | We had enough updates that were never requested |
| 4 | Comprehensible source code | Single file with just enough number of lines |
## 02. Features
Consequently, here is a list of **PSKOV features**:
| № | PSKOV feature | Note |
| 1 | Bare HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Markdown | No need for template language, web framework or anything else |
| 2 | Client side | **PSKOV** is a client side JavaScript application, it runs solely on your device |
| 3 | Optional installation | **PSKOV** is available at [http://opengamestudio.org/pskov][pskov]. However, if you want to keep **PSKOV** locally, you can get **PSKOV** single HTML file [here][pskov-src] and open it locally |
| 4 | Comprehensible source code | **PSKOV** is a [single HTML file][pskov-src] with less than 10000 lines of code |
| 5 | Decades long support (DLS) | You can use **PSKOV** on both Windows 2000 and Windows 2030\* |
\* Windows 2030 does not (yet) exist, we simply refer to the fact that **PSKOV** is designed to work for operating systems released in the range of years 2000-2030
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[index]: education.html
[next]: education.02.deps.html
[other-generators]: https://medium.com/codingthesmartway-com-blog/top-static-site-generators-for-2019-26a4c8afcc05
[ogs]: http://opengamestudio.org
[pskov]: http://opengamestudio.org/pskov
[pskov-src]: http://opengamestudio.org/pskov-201905.html