Title: Switching scenes Date: 2024-09-06 00:00 Category: News Slug: ht-scenes Lang: en # August In August I implemented scene switching, which allowed me to do the following: * pressing "Start the game" button in the splash screen takes the player to a level with three floors * selecting a door takes the player to another floor * selecting a TV set focuses the player on the TV set with a remote control * switching TV channels results in different images being shown Thus, scenes are good both for focusing on items and moving the player around. # September I plan to implement replay of short sounds in September. # Philosophy I stumbled upon an interesting ["Time after tax"][tax] post. The author briefly tells how after spending time on mandatory day to day activities (sleep, work, commute, wash, etc.) he is only left with 3 hours of free time. The author calls this "Time after tax". That concept explains where I take time for "Tail and Shadow" project. For example, I managed to spend 27 hours for the project in August, that's about 1 hour a day. Of course, one would spend 27 hours on a full-time job in 3-4 days, but a job won't let you make your dream come true. Do you use "time after tax"? [scenes]: ../../images/2024_scenes.mp4 [tax]: https://www.konstantinschubert.com/2019/03/30/time-after-taxes.html