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  28. <a href="user-servey-finish-promise.html">User survey ends today</a>
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  30. <p class="news_item_date">
  31. 2014-12-31 11:00
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  34. <p>About a year ago, we started the user survey, in order to find out what do you think of the Open Source in general and about our project in particular. Today we're closing this survey. It took time, but we've got plenty of answers. Thank you for that.</p>
  35. <p>We'll share our thought about the results of the survey in one of the future articles.</p>
  36. <p>After the survey, every one of you has got the code. With this code, you'll be able to access the alpha test of the OGS Mahjong 2, as soon as we'll be ready to start it (i can't promise anything, but we're planning to do it in 2015). Also, you'll be able to choose between the deluxe version of OGS Mahjong 2 and the deluxe version of Shuan, as soon as we'll be ready to release these games.</p>
  37. <p>We wish you all a Happy New Year. Thank you for being with us. See you next year.</p>
  38. <p>P.S. If you have lost your code - write us a letter, we'll figure something out.</p>
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