using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using coa4u; [System.Serializable] public class SeqActor : Actor { protected State[] states; protected int index; protected List stateLog = new List(); protected ActionInstant currentStateAction; public void SetState(int idx) { if (idx < states.Length) { stateLog.Add(idx); index = idx; if (currentStateAction != null) RemoveAction(currentStateAction); currentStateAction = states[idx].action; AttachAction(currentStateAction); } else { throw new Exception("Actor doesn't have the state " + idx.ToString()); } } public void SetState(string name) { SetState(Array.FindIndex(states, x => == name)); } public int currentStateIndex { get { return index; } } public string currentStateName { get { return states[index].name; } } public List log { get { return stateLog; } } }