diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index d2d6f36..205a347 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -33,3 +33,5 @@ nosetests.xml
diff --git a/atg.py b/atg.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5dc9024..0000000
--- a/atg.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Advanced Text Generator module for a KaiSD Text Tools.
-(c) 2013 Ivan "Kai SD" Korystin
-License: GPLv3
-from os.path import join, exists
-from os import makedirs
-class ATG:
- '''
- Advanced Text Generator is a class, created to generate multiple
- text files from table data.
- '''
- def __init__(self, data, template):
- '''
- Constructor.
- data - an instance of the data.Data class (i.e. CSVData)
- template - an instance of the template.Template class (i.e. TemplateV2)
- '''
- self.data = data
- self.template = template
- self.out = template.process(data)
- if type(self.out) == dict:
- self.multiple = True
- else:
- self.multiple = False
- def write_files(self, outputDir='.'):
- '''
- Write generated files to the given directory.
- '''
- encoding = self.template.encoding
- extension = self.template.extension
- out = self.out
- if self.multiple:
- for name in out.keys():
- namepath = name.replace('\\', '/').split('/')
- newpath = u''
- for i in namepath[:-1]:
- newpath = join(newpath, i)
- if not exists(join(unicode(outputDir),newpath)):
- makedirs(join(unicode(outputDir),newpath))
- fname = join(unicode(outputDir),name+'.'+extension)
- if fname.endswith('.'):
- fname = fname[:-1]
- f = open(fname, 'w')
- f.write(out[name].encode(encoding))
- self.log(' Saved %s' % (name+'.'+extension))
- f.close()
- else:
- name = self.template.bonusPrefix + '.' + extension
- if name == '.':
- name = self.template.keyField
- namepath = name.replace('\\', '/').split('/')
- newpath = u''
- for i in namepath[:-1]:
- newpath = join(newpath, i)
- if not exists(join(unicode(outputDir),newpath)):
- makedirs(join(unicode(outputDir),newpath))
- f = open(join(unicode(outputDir),name+'.'+extension), 'w')
- f.write(out.encode(encoding))
- self.log(' Saved %s' % (name+'.'+extension))
- f.close()
- def log(self, text):
- '''
- Print information
- '''
- pass
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/atr.py b/atr.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a848ed2..0000000
--- a/atr.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Advanced Text Replacer module for a KaiSD Text Tools.
-(c) 2013 Ivan "Kai SD" Korystin
-License: GPLv3
-import re
-class ATR:
- '''
- Advanced Text Replacer - is a class, created to make multiple replacements
- in the content or names of text file.
- It can make plain replacements, or use ATG templates to do something more complex.
- '''
- def __init__(self, files):
- '''
- Constructor
- '''
- self.files = files
- self.replacements = []
- def plain_replace(self, pattern, string, regexp=False):
- '''
- Replaces the given pattern with string in files.
- '''
- if regexp:
- pattern = re.compile(pattern)
- self.replacements.append((pattern, string))
- def templated_replace(self, pattern, template, data, keyFormat='filename', regexp=False):
- '''
- Replaces the given pattern with data formated by template.
- Valid values for keyFormat:
- filename - take data rows by filename(path ignored), key value of the data row should store the filename.
- fullname - as filename, but with path.
- index - take data rows in order, key value of the data row should store the index. Indexes starts with 0.
- If filename or index cannot be found in data keys, pattern will not be replaced.
- '''
- if regexp:
- pattern = re.compile(pattern)
- strings = template.process(data)
- self.replacements.append((pattern, strings, keyFormat))
- def write_in_place(self):
- '''
- Do replacement and save the files
- '''
- for f in self.files:
- out = u''
- with open(f, 'rb') as file:
- out = file.read()
- idx = 0
- for r in self.replacements:
- if type(r[0]) in (str, unicode):
- pattern = re.compile(re.escape(r[0]))
- string = r[1]
- elif type(r[0]) is dict and len(r) == 3:
- if r[2] == 'filename':
- fname = f.replace('\\', '/').split('/')[-1]
- string = f[1].get(fname, None)
- elif r[2] == 'fullname':
- string = f[1].get(f, None)
- elif r[2] == 'index':
- fname = f.replace('\\', '/').split('/')[-1]
- string = f[1].get(idx, None)
- else:
- raise BaseException('Unknown data key format.')
- elif hasattr(r[0], 'match'):
- pattern = r[0]
- string = r[1]
- else:
- raise BaseException('Unknown pattern type.')
- if string:
- out = re.sub(pattern, string, out)
- with open(f, 'wb') as outfile:
- outfile.write(out)
- def write_new_files(self, outfiles):
- '''
- Do replacement, but save to given files instead of the original ones.
- '''
- if not len(outfiles) == len(self.files):
- raise BaseException('Lists of original and new files has different length.')
- for f in self.files:
- out = u''
- with open(f, 'rb') as file:
- out = file.read()
- idx = 0
- for r in self.replacements:
- if type(r[0]) in (str, unicode):
- pattern = re.compile(re.escape(r[0]))
- string = r[1]
- elif type(r[0]) is dict and len(r) == 3:
- if r[2] == 'filename':
- fname = f.replace('\\', '/').split('/')[-1]
- string = f[1].get(fname, None)
- elif r[2] == 'fullname':
- string = f[1].get(f, None)
- elif r[2] == 'index':
- fname = f.replace('\\', '/').split('/')[-1]
- string = f[1].get(idx, None)
- else:
- raise BaseException('Unknown data key format.')
- elif hasattr(r[0], 'match'):
- pattern = r[0]
- string = r[1]
- else:
- raise BaseException('Unknown pattern type.')
- if string:
- out = re.sub(pattern, string, out)
- with open(outfiles[self.files.index(f)], 'wb') as outfile:
- outfile.write(out)
- def replace_in_names(self):
- '''
- Do replacement, but in file names instead of file content. Returns the list of new file names,
- you can use it with writeNewFiles() method.
- '''
- out = []
- for f in self.files:
- new = f
- idx = 0
- for r in self.replacements:
- if type(r[0]) in (str, unicode):
- pattern = re.compile(re.escape(r[0]))
- string = r[1]
- elif type(r[0]) is dict and len(r) == 3:
- if r[2] == 'filename':
- fname = f.replace('\\', '/').split('/')[-1]
- string = f[1].get(fname, None)
- elif r[2] == 'fullname':
- string = f[1].get(f, None)
- elif r[2] == 'index':
- fname = f.replace('\\', '/').split('/')[-1]
- string = f[1].get(idx, None)
- else:
- raise BaseException('Unknown data key format.')
- elif hasattr(r[0], 'match'):
- pattern = r[0]
- string = r[1]
- else:
- raise BaseException('Unknown pattern type.')
- if string:
- new = re.sub(pattern, string, new)
- out.append(new)
- return out
- def clear_replacements(self):
- '''
- Removes all replacements.
- '''
- self.replacements = []
- def log(self, string):
- '''
- Print information
- '''
- pass
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data.py b/data.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c5b5cfc..0000000
--- a/data.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Data module for a KaiSD Text Tools.
-(c) 2013 Ivan "Kai SD" Korystin
-License: GPLv3
-import csv, codecs
-class Data:
- '''
- Empty data class. Can be used for a subclassing or procedural data creation.
- '''
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- '''
- Constructor
- '''
- self.keys = []
- self.rows = []
- def __getitem__(self, pair):
- '''
- Returns a value for given key and row.
- '''
- key = pair[0]
- row = pair[1]
- keys = self.keys
- rows = self.rows
- if key in keys:
- if len(rows) > row:
- return rows[row][keys.index(key)]
- else:
- raise BaseException('Row %i not found in data' % (row))
- else:
- raise BaseException('Named value %s not found in data' % (key))
- def __setitem__(self, pair, value):
- '''
- Sets a value for given key and row.
- '''
- key = pair[0]
- row = pair[1]
- keys = self.keys
- rows = self.rows
- if key in keys:
- if len(rows) > row:
- rows[row][keys.index(key)] = value
- else:
- raise BaseException('Row %i not found in data' % (row))
- else:
- raise BaseException('Named value %s not found in data' % (key))
- def __str__(self):
- '''
- Returns data as string.
- '''
- return str((self.keys, self.rows))
- def __repr__(self):
- return self.__str__()
- def has_key(self, key):
- '''
- Returns True if given key exists in data
- '''
- return key in self.keys
- def add_rows(self, n=1):
- '''
- Adds some empty rows to the data.
- '''
- keys = self.keys
- rows = self.rows
- for n in xrange(0, n):
- row = []
- for k in keys:
- row.append('')
- rows.append(row)
- def add_keys(self, *h):
- '''
- Adds new keys to the data.
- '''
- keys = self.keys
- rows = self.rows
- for i in h:
- keys.append(i)
- for r in rows:
- for i in h:
- r.append('')
- def col_by_key(self, key):
- '''
- Returns a column by header's name
- '''
- cols = []
- keys = self.keys
- rows = self.rows
- if key in keys:
- idx = keys.index(key)
- for r in rows:
- cols.append(r[idx])
- else:
- raise BaseException('Named value %s not found in data' % (key))
- return tuple(cols)
- def row_by_idx(self, idx):
- '''
- Returns a row by index.
- '''
- return tuple(self.rows[idx])
-class CSVData(Data):
- '''
- Class for reading CSV files.
- '''
- class Reader:
- class Recoder:
- def __init__(self, f, encoding):
- self.reader = codecs.getreader(encoding)(f)
- def __iter__(self):
- return self
- def next(self):
- return self.reader.next().encode("utf-8")
- def __init__(self, f, dialect=csv.excel, encoding="utf-8", **kwds):
- f = self.Recoder(f, encoding)
- self.reader = csv.reader(f, dialect=dialect, **kwds)
- def next(self):
- row = self.reader.next()
- return [unicode(s, "utf-8") for s in row]
- def __iter__(self):
- return self
- def __init__(self, filename, encoding='utf-8', delimiter=';', quotechar='"', **kwargs):
- '''
- Constructor.
- filename - CSV table filename
- encoding - CSV table encoding
- delimiter - CSV table delimiter
- quotechar - CSV table quotechar
- transpose=True - transpose the table
- '''
- csvfile = self.Reader(open(filename), encoding=encoding, delimiter=delimiter, quotechar=quotechar)
- sourceData = []
- sourcekeys = None
- if kwargs.get('transpose', False):
- sourcekeys = []
- rowData = []
- for i in csvfile:
- sourcekeys.append(i[0])
- for k in xrange(1, len(i)):
- sourceData.append([])
- try:
- i[k] = int(i[k])
- except:
- try:
- i[k] = float(i[k])
- except:
- i[k] = i[k]
- rowData.append(i[1:])
- sourceData = list(map(lambda *x:x, *rowData))
- else:
- for i in csvfile:
- if sourcekeys is None:
- sourcekeys = i
- else:
- for k in xrange(0, len(i)):
- try:
- i[k] = int(i[k])
- except:
- try:
- i[k] = float(i[k])
- except:
- i[k] = i[k]
- sourceData.append(i)
- self.keys = sourcekeys
- self.rows = sourceData
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/atg.html b/docs/atg.html
deleted file mode 100644
index bd42e50..0000000
--- a/docs/atg.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
Python: module atg
- Advanced Text Generator module for a KaiSD Text Tools.
-(c) 2013 Ivan "Kai SD" Korystin
-License: GPLv3
-Classes |
- | |
-- ATG
-class ATG |
- |
-Advanced Text Generator is a class, created to generate multiple
-text files from table data. |
- |
-Methods defined here:
-- __init__(self, data, template)
- Constructor.
-data - an instance of the data.Data class (i.e. CSVData)
-template - an instance of the template.Template class (i.e. TemplateV2)
-- log(self, text)
- Print information
-- write_files(self, outputDir='.')
- Write generated files to the given directory.
- | |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/atr.html b/docs/atr.html
deleted file mode 100644
index e4ec319..0000000
--- a/docs/atr.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-Python: module atr
- Advanced Text Replacer module for a KaiSD Text Tools.
-(c) 2013 Ivan "Kai SD" Korystin
-License: GPLv3
-Classes |
- | |
-- ATR
-class ATR |
- |
-Advanced Text Replacer - is a class, created to make multiple replacements
-in the content or names of text file.
-It can make plain replacements, or use ATG templates to do something more complex. |
- |
-Methods defined here:
-- __init__(self, files)
- Constructor
-- clear_replacements(self)
- Removes all replacements.
-- log(self, string)
- Print information
-- plain_replace(self, pattern, string, regexp=False)
- Replaces the given pattern with string in files.
-- replace_in_names(self)
- Do replacement, but in file names instead of file content. Returns the list of new file names,
-you can use it with writeNewFiles() method.
-- templated_replace(self, pattern, template, data, keyFormat='filename', regexp=False)
- Replaces the given pattern with data formated by template.
-Valid values for keyFormat:
-filename - take data rows by filename(path ignored), key value of the data row should store the filename.
-fullname - as filename, but with path.
-index - take data rows in order, key value of the data row should store the index. Indexes starts with 0.
-If filename or index cannot be found in data keys, pattern will not be replaced.
-- write_in_place(self)
- Do replacement and save the files
-- write_new_files(self, outfiles)
- Do replacement, but save to given files instead of the original ones.
- | |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/data.html b/docs/data.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a28322..0000000
--- a/docs/data.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-Python: module data
- Data module for a KaiSD Text Tools.
-(c) 2013 Ivan "Kai SD" Korystin
-License: GPLv3
-Classes |
- | |
-- Data
-- CSVData
-class CSVData(Data) |
- |
-Class for reading CSV files. |
- |
-Methods defined here:
-- __init__(self, filename, encoding='utf-8', delimiter=';', quotechar='"', **kwargs)
- Constructor.
-filename - CSV table filename
-encoding - CSV table encoding
-delimiter - CSV table delimiter
-quotechar - CSV table quotechar
-transpose=True - transpose the table
-Data and other attributes defined here:
-- Reader = <class data.Reader>
-Methods inherited from Data:
-- __getitem__(self, pair)
- Returns a value for given key and row.
-- __repr__(self)
-- __setitem__(self, pair, value)
- Sets a value for given key and row.
-- __str__(self)
- Returns data as string.
-- add_keys(self, *h)
- Adds new keys to the data.
-- add_rows(self, n=1)
- Adds some empty rows to the data.
-- col_by_key(self, key)
- Returns a column by header's name
-- has_key(self, key)
- Returns True if given key exists in data
-- row_by_idx(self, idx)
- Returns a row by index.
- |
-class Data |
- |
-Empty data class. Can be used for a subclassing or procedural data creation. |
- |
-Methods defined here:
-- __getitem__(self, pair)
- Returns a value for given key and row.
-- __init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- Constructor
-- __repr__(self)
-- __setitem__(self, pair, value)
- Sets a value for given key and row.
-- __str__(self)
- Returns data as string.
-- add_keys(self, *h)
- Adds new keys to the data.
-- add_rows(self, n=1)
- Adds some empty rows to the data.
-- col_by_key(self, key)
- Returns a column by header's name
-- has_key(self, key)
- Returns True if given key exists in data
-- row_by_idx(self, idx)
- Returns a row by index.
- | |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/template.html b/docs/template.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f80dfd..0000000
--- a/docs/template.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-Python: module template
- Template module for a KaiSD Text Tools.
-(c) 2013 Ivan "Kai SD" Korystin
-License: GPLv3
-Classes |
- | |
-- Template
-- TemplateV2
-class Template |
- |
-Empty template class. Generates empty text. |
- |
-Methods defined here:
-- log(self, text)
- Print information
-- process(self, data)
- Replace this method in subclasses.
-- warning(self, text)
- Prints a warning
- |
-class TemplateV2(Template) |
- |
-Class for reading ATGv2 templates.
-ATGv2 template file should be a plain text file, starting with the line
-followed by the info line:
-KeyField - is a name of a data column, that contains an identifier.
-Extension - is the desired extension for the generated files.
-Prefix - is the desired filename prefix for the generated files
-Encoding - is the desired encoding for the generated files.
-The line may also have some optional keywords before the closing bracket:
-oneFile$ - place all generated text into a single file instead of
-generating a file for each table row.
-After the info line, you can put your text.
-You can use following commands to handle the data:
-* [$Name$], where Name is the column header,
-will be replaced with value from the current row.
-* [$ATGLINDEX$] will be replaced with the number of a current row.
-* [$ATGHEADER$Text$] and [$ATGFOOTER$Text$] will place the given text
-at the begining or at the end of the file. You can't use other
-commands in this text.
-* [$ATGLIST$Name$Text$], where Name is a multi-column header
-(i.e. 'Col' will represent 'Col1', 'Col2', 'Col3' etc)
-will repeat the given text for each non-empty value.
-You can use other commands in Text. Also [$Name$] inside the list
-will be replaced with the value for the current row and column.
-* [$ATGLINDEX$] can be used only inside the ATGLIST text,
-will be replaced with the current column index.
-* [$ATGLISTCUT$Name$Text$] - same as ATGLIST, but the last symbol
-will be removed. Useful for removing unnecessary newlines.
-* [$ATGIF$Name$Value$Text$] will be replaced with the given text
-only if the the given column's value is the same as the given one.
-Will be replaced with the empty text otherwise. You can use other
-commands in Text.
-* [$ATGIFNOT$Name$Value$Text$] - same as ATGIF, but the column's value
-should not be equal to the given one.
-* [$ATGGREATER$Name$Value$Text$] - same as ATGIF, but the value should
-be the number and it should be greater then the given one.
-* [$ATGGREATER$Name$Value$Text$] - same as ATGGREATER, but the value
-should be less then the given one.
-* [$ATGREPLACE$Text1$Text2$] - Will replace Text1 with Text2. Replacements
-will be done after all other commands. You can't use regular expressions or
-other commands in the text.
-* [$ATGPREFIX$Text$] - Will add the given text to the filename prefix.
-You can use other commands in text, but do it carefully.
-* [$ATGSKIP$] - Skip the current row. Use only in combination with the
-ATGIF/ATGIFNOT, or you will generate nothing.
-* [$ATGPREV$Name$], where Name is the column header,
-will be replaced with the with the value of the given header from the
-previous row. ATGSKIP will be used for the first row. |
- |
-Methods defined here:
-- __init__(self, filename=None, encoding='utf-8', text='')
- Constructor.
-filename - name of the ATGv2 template file.
-encoding - encoding of the template file.
-text - text to use if no filename has been provided.
-- process(self, data)
- Generate text for the given data.
-Static methods defined here:
-- express(cls, text, **kwargs)
-Methods inherited from Template:
-- log(self, text)
- Print information
-- warning(self, text)
- Prints a warning
- | |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ktt_atgcsv.py b/ktt_atgcsv.py
index 08421d4..90527c6 100755
--- a/ktt_atgcsv.py
+++ b/ktt_atgcsv.py
@@ -10,10 +10,8 @@ Part of KaiSD Text Tools
License: GPLv3
from sys import argv
-from atg import ATG
-from data import CSVData
-from template import TemplateV2
from os.path import split
+from ktt import ATG, CSVData, TemplateV2
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(argv) == 3:
diff --git a/template.py b/template.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 39e5eb4..0000000
--- a/template.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,482 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Template module for a KaiSD Text Tools.
-(c) 2013 Ivan "Kai SD" Korystin
-License: GPLv3
-import re
-class Template:
- '''
- Empty template class. Generates empty text.
- '''
- def process(self, data):
- '''
- Replace this method in subclasses.
- '''
- return ''
- def warning(self, text):
- '''
- Prints a warning
- '''
- print text
- def log(self, text):
- '''
- Print information
- '''
- pass
-class TemplateV2(Template):
- '''
- Class for reading ATGv2 templates.
- ATGv2 template file should be a plain text file, starting with the line
- followed by the info line:
- [$KeyField$Extension$Prefix$Encoding$]
- where
- KeyField - is a name of a data column, that contains an identifier.
- Extension - is the desired extension for the generated files.
- Prefix - is the desired filename prefix for the generated files
- Encoding - is the desired encoding for the generated files.
- The line may also have some optional keywords before the closing bracket:
- oneFile$ - place all generated text into a single file instead of
- generating a file for each table row.
- After the info line, you can put your text.
- You can use following commands to handle the data:
- * [$Name$], where Name is the column header,
- will be replaced with value from the current row.
- * [$ATGLINDEX$] will be replaced with the number of a current row.
- * [$ATGHEADER$Text$] and [$ATGFOOTER$Text$] will place the given text
- at the begining or at the end of the file. You can't use other
- commands in this text.
- * [$ATGLIST$Name$Text$], where Name is a multi-column header
- (i.e. 'Col' will represent 'Col1', 'Col2', 'Col3' etc)
- will repeat the given text for each non-empty value.
- You can use other commands in Text. Also [$Name$] inside the list
- will be replaced with the value for the current row and column.
- * [$ATGLINDEX$] can be used only inside the ATGLIST text,
- will be replaced with the current column index.
- * [$ATGLISTCUT$Name$Text$] - same as ATGLIST, but the last symbol
- will be removed. Useful for removing unnecessary newlines.
- * [$ATGIF$Name$Value$Text$] will be replaced with the given text
- only if the the given column's value is the same as the given one.
- Will be replaced with the empty text otherwise. You can use other
- commands in Text.
- * [$ATGIFNOT$Name$Value$Text$] - same as ATGIF, but the column's value
- should not be equal to the given one.
- * [$ATGGREATER$Name$Value$Text$] - same as ATGIF, but the value should
- be the number and it should be greater then the given one.
- * [$ATGGREATER$Name$Value$Text$] - same as ATGGREATER, but the value
- should be less then the given one.
- * [$ATGREPLACE$Text1$Text2$] - Will replace Text1 with Text2. Replacements
- will be done after all other commands. You can't use regular expressions or
- other commands in the text.
- * [$ATGPREFIX$Text$] - Will add the given text to the filename prefix.
- You can use other commands in text, but do it carefully.
- * [$ATGSKIP$] - Skip the current row. Use only in combination with the
- ATGIF/ATGIFNOT, or you will generate nothing.
- * [$ATGPREV$Name$], where Name is the column header,
- will be replaced with the with the value of the given header from the
- previous row. ATGSKIP will be used for the first row.
- '''
- def __init__(self, filename=None, encoding='utf-8', text=''):
- '''
- Constructor.
- filename - name of the ATGv2 template file.
- encoding - encoding of the template file.
- text - text to use if no filename has been provided.
- '''
- if filename:
- with open(filename, 'r') as templateFile:
- topline = templateFile.readline().decode(encoding)
- if not topline.startswith('ATGV2'):
- raise BaseException('%s is not an ATGv2 template' % (filename))
- key = templateFile.readline().decode(encoding)
- if key[:2] == '[$' and key[-3:-1] == '$]':
- keyInfo = key[2:-2].split('$')
- if len(keyInfo) < 4:
- raise BaseException('%s has bad ATGv2 key' % (filename))
- self.keyField = keyInfo[0]
- self.extension = keyInfo[1]
- self.prefix = keyInfo[2]
- self.encoding = keyInfo[3]
- if 'oneFile' in keyInfo[4:]:
- self.oneFile = True
- else:
- self.oneFile = False
- self.text = u''
- else:
- raise BaseException('%s has bad ATGv2 key' % (filename))
- for i in templateFile.readlines():
- self.text += i.decode(encoding)
- else:
- self.text = text
- self.header = u''
- self.footer = u''
- self.replacement = {}
- self._data = None
- self._multiWords = None
- def parse(text):
- topParts = []
- matches = {}
- openers = re.finditer('\[\$.*?\$', text)
- closers = re.finditer('\$\]', text)
- ops = []
- try:
- cl = closers.next()
- while not cl is None:
- try:
- op = openers.next()
- if op.start() < cl.start():
- ops.append(op)
- else:
- idx = -1
- try:
- while ops[idx].start() > cl.start():
- idx -= 1
- except:
- raise BaseException('Template parsing error: can not find the opener for '+str(cl.start()))
- matches[ops[idx]] = cl
- if len(ops) == 1 or idx == -len(ops):
- topParts.append(ops[idx])
- del ops[idx]
- ops.append(op)
- try:
- cl = closers.next()
- except StopIteration:
- cl = None
- except StopIteration:
- idx = -1
- try:
- while ops[idx].start() > cl.start():
- idx -= 1
- except:
- raise BaseException('Template parsing error: can not find the opener for '+str(cl.start()))
- matches[ops[idx]] = cl
- if len(ops) == 1 or idx == -len(ops):
- topParts.append(ops[idx])
- del ops[idx]
- try:
- cl = closers.next()
- except StopIteration:
- cl = None
- except StopIteration:
- pass
- parts = []
- for i in topParts:
- startPoint = i.end()
- endPoint = matches[i].start()
- p = (i.group()[2:-1], text[startPoint:endPoint])
- if p[0].startswith('ATG'):
- parts.insert(0, p)
- else:
- parts.append(p)
- return parts
- partCommands = {}
- def plain(index, flow, keytag):
- if not keytag in self._data.keys:
- self.warning('WARNING: keyword not found in table - %s' % (keytag))
- return flow
- return flow.replace('[$%s$]' % (keytag), unicode(self._data[keytag, index]))
- partCommands['_ATGPLAIN'] = plain
- def nPlain(index, flow, keytag, number):
- if not keytag+str(number) in self._data.keys:
- self.warning('WARNING: keyword not found in table - %s' % (keytag+str(number)))
- return flow
- return flow.replace('[$%s$]' % (keytag), unicode(self._data[keytag+str(number), index]))
- def lIndex(index, flow, keytag, number):
- return flow.replace('[$ATGLINDEX$]', str(number))
- def addHeader(index, flow, text):
- if self.header.find(text) < 0:
- self.header += text
- key = '[$ATGHEADER$' + text + '$]'
- return flow.replace(key,'')
- partCommands['ATGHEADER'] = addHeader
- def addFooter(index, flow, text):
- if self.footer.find(text) < 0:
- self.footer += text
- key = '[$ATGFOOTER$' + text + '$]'
- return flow.replace(key,'')
- partCommands['ATGFOOTER'] = addFooter
- def addList(index, flow, string):
- key = '[$ATGLIST$%s$%s$]' % (string.split('$')[0], string[len(string.split('$')[0])+1:])
- sub = string[len(string.split('$')[0])+1:]
- keyTag = string.split('$')[0]
- subparts = parse(sub)
- myText = u''
- if not keyTag in self._multiWords:
- self.warning('Keytag %s is not multiple!' % (keyTag))
- return flow
- for j in xrange(1, self._multiWords[keyTag]+1):
- subText = sub
- for sp in subparts:
- if sp[0] in self._multiWords:
- subText = nPlain(index, subText, sp[0], j)
- elif sp[0] == 'ATGLINDEX':
- subText = lIndex(index, subText, sp[0], j)
- elif sp[0] in partCommands:
- subText = partCommands[sp[0]](index, subText, sp[1])
- elif sp[1] == '':
- subText = plain(index, subText, sp[0])
- else:
- self.warning('Warning: unknown command '+sp[0])
- if not self._data[keyTag+str(j), index] == u'':
- myText += subText
- return flow.replace(key, myText)
- partCommands['ATGLIST'] = addList
- def addListCut(index, flow, string):
- key = '[$ATGLISTCUT$%s$%s$]' % (string.split('$')[0], string[len(string.split('$')[0])+1:])
- sub = string[len(string.split('$')[0])+1:]
- keyTag = string.split('$')[0]
- subparts = parse(sub)
- myText = u''
- if not keyTag in self._multiWords:
- self.warning('Keytag %s is not multiple!' % (keyTag))
- return flow
- for j in xrange(1, self._multiWords[keyTag]+1):
- subText = sub
- for sp in subparts:
- if sp[0] in self._multiWords:
- subText = nPlain(index, subText, sp[0], j)
- elif sp[0] == 'ATGLINDEX':
- subText = lIndex(index, subText, sp[0], j)
- elif sp[0] in partCommands:
- subText = partCommands[sp[0]](index, subText, sp[1])
- elif sp[1] == '':
- subText = plain(index, subText, sp[0])
- else:
- self.warning('Warning: unknown command '+sp[0])
- if not self._data[keyTag+str(j), index] == u'':
- myText += subText
- return flow.replace(key, myText[:-1])
- partCommands['ATGLISTCUT'] = addListCut
- def addIf(index, flow, string):
- key = '[$ATGIF$%s$%s$]' % (string.split('$')[0], string[len(string.split('$')[0])+1:])
- sub = string[len(string.split('$')[0])+len(string.split('$')[1])+2:]
- keyTag = string.split('$')[0]
- targetValue = string.split('$')[1]
- subparts = parse(sub)
- myText = u''
- if self._data[keyTag, 0] == []:
- self.warning('WARNING: keyword not found in table - %s' % (keyTag))
- return flow
- if unicode(self._data[keyTag, index]) == unicode(targetValue):
- subText = sub
- for sp in subparts:
- if sp[0] in partCommands:
- subText = partCommands[sp[0]](index, subText, sp[1])
- elif sp[1] == '':
- subText = plain(index, subText, sp[0])
- else:
- self.warning('Warning: unknown command '+sp[0])
- myText += subText
- return flow.replace(key, myText)
- partCommands['ATGIF'] = addIf
- def addIfNot(index, flow, string):
- key = '[$ATGIFNOT$%s$%s$]' % (string.split('$')[0], string[len(string.split('$')[0])+1:])
- sub = string[len(string.split('$')[0])+len(string.split('$')[1])+2:]
- keyTag = string.split('$')[0]
- targetValue = string.split('$')[1]
- subparts = parse(sub)
- myText = u''
- if self._data[keyTag, 0] == []:
- self.warning('WARNING: keyword not found in table - %s' % (keyTag))
- return flow
- if not unicode(self._data[keyTag, index]) == unicode(targetValue):
- subText = sub
- for sp in subparts:
- if sp[0] in partCommands:
- subText = partCommands[sp[0]](index, subText, sp[1])
- elif sp[1] == '':
- subText = plain(index, subText, sp[0])
- else:
- self.warning('Warning: unknown command '+sp[0])
- myText += subText
- return flow.replace(key, myText)
- partCommands['ATGIFNOT'] = addIfNot
- def addGreater(index, flow, string):
- key = '[$ATGGREATER$%s$%s$]' % (string.split('$')[0], string[len(string.split('$')[0])+1:])
- sub = string[len(string.split('$')[0])+len(string.split('$')[1])+2:]
- keyTag = string.split('$')[0]
- targetValue = string.split('$')[1]
- subparts = parse(sub)
- myText = u''
- if self._data[keyTag, 0] == []:
- self.warning('WARNING: keyword not found in table - %s' % (keyTag))
- return flow
- try:
- if float(self._data[keyTag, index]) > float(targetValue):
- subText = sub
- for sp in subparts:
- if sp[0] in partCommands:
- subText = partCommands[sp[0]](index, subText, sp[1])
- elif sp[1] == '':
- subText = plain(index, subText, sp[0])
- else:
- self.warning('Warning: unknown command '+sp[0])
- myText += subText
- except:
- self.warning('ERROR: trying to compare uncomparable values!')
- return flow.replace(key, myText)
- partCommands['ATGGREATER'] = addGreater
- def addLess(index, flow, string):
- key = '[$ATGLESS$%s$%s$]' % (string.split('$')[0], string[len(string.split('$')[0])+1:])
- sub = string[len(string.split('$')[0])+len(string.split('$')[1])+2:]
- keyTag = string.split('$')[0]
- targetValue = string.split('$')[1]
- subparts = parse(sub)
- myText = u''
- if self._data[keyTag, 0] == []:
- self.warning('WARNING: keyword not found in table - %s' % (keyTag))
- return flow
- try:
- if float(self._data[keyTag, index]) < float(targetValue):
- subText = sub
- for sp in subparts:
- if sp[0] in partCommands:
- subText = partCommands[sp[0]](index, subText, sp[1])
- elif sp[1] == '':
- subText = plain(index, subText, sp[0])
- else:
- self.warning('Warning: unknown command '+sp[0])
- myText += subText
- except:
- self.warning('ERROR: trying to compare uncomparable values!')
- return flow.replace(key, myText)
- partCommands['ATGLESS'] = addLess
- def addReplace(index, flow, string):
- key = '[$ATGREPLACE$%s$%s$]' % (string.split('$')[0], string[len(string.split('$')[0])+1:])
- targetString = string[len(string.split('$')[0])+1:]
- srcString = string.split('$')[0]
- self.replacement[srcString] = targetString
- key = '[$ATGREPLACE$' + string + '$]'
- return flow.replace(key,'')
- partCommands['ATGREPLACE'] = addReplace
- def addPrefix(index, flow, string):
- key = '[$ATGPREFIX$%s$%s$]' % (string.split('$')[0], string[len(string.split('$')[0])+1:])
- sub = string
- subparts = parse(sub)
- for sp in subparts:
- if sp[0] in partCommands:
- sub = partCommands[sp[0]](index, sub, sp[1])
- elif sp[1] == '':
- sub = plain(index, sub, sp[0])
- else:
- self.warning('Warning: unknown command '+sp[0])
- self.bonusPrefix += sub
- key = '[$ATGPREFIX$' + string + '$]'
- return flow.replace(key,'')
- partCommands['ATGPREFIX'] = addPrefix
- def skip(index, flow, string):
- return u'[$ATGSKIP_DO$]'
- partCommands['ATGSKIP'] = skip
- def prev(index, flow, string):
- key = '[$ATGPREV$%s$]' % (string.split('$')[0])
- keytag = string.split('$')[0]
- if self._data[keytag, 0] == []:
- self.warning('WARNING: keyword not found in table - %s' % (keytag))
- return flow
- if index == 0:
- self.log('INFORMATION: Skipping ATGPREV tag for entry with index = 0')
- return u'[$ATGSKIP_DO$]'
- return flow.replace('[$ATGPREV$%s$]' % (keytag), unicode(self._data.col_by_key(keytag)[index-1]))
- partCommands['ATGPREV'] = prev
- self.commands = partCommands
- self.parts = parse(self.text)
- def process(self, data):
- '''
- Generate text for the given data.
- '''
- self._data = data
- multiWords = {}
- numbs = ('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0')
- for i in data.keys:
- multi = False
- while i[-1] in numbs:
- i = i[:-1]
- multi = True
- if multi:
- if i in multiWords:
- multiWords[i] += 1
- else:
- multiWords[i] = 1
- self._multiWords = multiWords
- if self.oneFile:
- out = ''
- else:
- out = {}
- index = 0
- partCommands = self.commands
- for element in data.col_by_key(self.keyField):
- self.bonusPrefix = self.prefix
- text = self.text
- for i in self.parts:
- if i[0] in partCommands:
- text = partCommands[i[0]](index, text, i[1])
- elif i[1] == u'':
- text = partCommands['_ATGPLAIN'](index, text, i[0])
- else:
- self.warning('Warning: unknown command '+i[0])
- for i in self.replacement:
- text = text.replace(i, self.replacement[i])
- self.replacement = {}
- index += 1
- if u'[$ATGSKIP_DO$]' in text:
- self.log('ATGSKIP Tag found. Skipping ' + unicode(element) + '.')
- else:
- if self.oneFile:
- out += text
- else:
- name = self.bonusPrefix + unicode(element)
- out[name] = self.header + text + self.footer
- self.log('Created %s' % (element))
- if self.oneFile:
- out = self.header + out + self.footer
- return out
- @staticmethod
- def express(cls, text, **kwargs):
- obj = cls()
- obj.text = text
- obj.keyField = kwargs.get('keyField', 'Index')
- obj.extension = kwargs.get('extension', '')
- obj.prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', '')
- obj.encoding = kwargs.get('encoding', 'utf-8')
- return obj
\ No newline at end of file